Less than half of Albertans vote UCP. There are those who could have voted, but didn't. And those who split up the vote between various other parties. But when it comes right down to it, Kenney did not have an actual 50%+ majority. 1/ #ableg
And there are few UCP supporters now who agree with absolutely everything the UCP does. There are health care workers who have been shocked by the attacks on them. There are education workers who have been shocked by the attacks on them. 2/
There are parents who are not impressed with how school is happening with COVID. There are ranchers who are alarmed about coal mines destroying their pasturelands and water supply. There are people who are on AISH, or who care about people on AISH, who are not pleased. 3/
There are people who feel Kenney has chosen economy over people's health. There are those who think Kenney doesn't go far enough right, and want Alberta to separate and join the US. And there are way more Albertans who really do not want that to happen. 4/
There are people who feel Kenney is responsible for deaths, who feel Kenney has sat on federal funds and when he releases any of them, claims total credit. There are people who don't like the way Kenney has treated the LGBTQ community,... 5/
And those who don't like the way he has dealt with the opioid crisis, or housing homeless people during the pandemic, or how he wants to rewrite curriculum to create a generation of people indoctrinated to bow to authority without question, and who exist to work and obey. 6/
And there are workers who realise that Kenney, despite what he campaigned on, really has it in for workers and unions and overtime pay and safe work situations. They see that they are not valued as people, but only work units. If injured or sick, they are disposable. 7/
There are people who see hiring practices in the UCP, like 24 yo Ben Harper being hired for $110K+ as an advisor, as cronyism in the highest degree. Steve Harper on the payroll, his son on the payroll, and neither inclined to advise anything good for Albertans. 8/
Parks, coal mines, overtime pay, workers comp, cutting health care, cutting education, slagging off the federal government on a daily basis even though it's the feds who are the only ones helping us... 9/
GSAs, AISH, insurance rates, disappearing during a major health crisis, opening the door to massive buying of the next municipal elections, endless panels of partisan favours that are told ahead of time what they will find and recommend... 10/
Which always aligns with exactly what the UCP want to do. Massive tax breaks for huge corporations who then pack up and leave the province... Luxury travel around the world for Jason and his buds, while Alberta's most disabled struggle to avoid starvation. 11/
Oh! And let's not forget firing the Elections Commissioner who was investigating his leadership election. Firing someone investigating you is so Trumpian. 12/
Cutting environmental protections, cutting workplace health and safety requirements, not doing what was needed to curb the pandemic, making life more miserable for people living with disabilities... 13/
Closing the door on safe injection sites; insisting on an abstinence, treatment based approach to keeping addicts alive, lowering the minimum wage for Albertans of "lower human capital", i.e. not valuable except for their ability to do work correctly. 14/
UCP voters...Did you vote for this? Is this what you want? Does this make you happy? 15/15
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