It makes one wonder what new trend will come to dominate polite discourse once Floydism has crested on the great societal wave. My guess is the biological oppression of sex, race, class, from birth. But first, let's explore...
If we turn to Google Trends, we can see that "racism" had a fairly strong low-level buzz for years until exploding during the Floyd riots this year. But then, it petered out almost as quickly as it started. If you search "systemic racism," you see the interest peak as well.
Let's look at another two popular terms, homophobia and transphobia. Homophobia has had a rough ceiling of 75 on the trend line, oscillating up and down over the years, but transphobia has skyrocketed in interest since 2011.
Interest in race is ephemeral and women have peaked. Interest in the fringe is steady and growing, but only in its fringiest manifestations. I'm not sure if there's a "there" there, but it is interesting. Like pornography, perhaps Americans are jumping from one thrill to the...
Next when the old high doesn't hit quite like it used to. People have been saying pedophilia is next but if that is the case, I'd hazard trans has to run its course first. Transgenderism, as an ideology, is the removal of biological barriers to the will to power.
Being a woman when you feel you are a man is an intolerable oppression. It's a short jump to extraploating being black, short, ugly, whatever is an intolerable oppression as well. I think we will see the transposition of transgenderism to more and more causes as time goes on.
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