So I'm not engaging directly with the idiots spreading nonsense, but here's some facts:
- anyone saying NSW can only do 15K tests a day is lying to you.
- anyone saying masks stop 70% or are as good as a vaccine is lying to you.
- anyone saying NSW Health is hiding numbers? Lying
- anyone saying the NSW Health testing numbers are tests made rather than results? Once again, they're lying to you.

People who lie and spread nonsense during a pandemic need to log the fuck off and have a good hard look at themselves.
The "15k tests a day" is latent capacity. Doesn't include surge capacity or the private labs. This isn't hard to find out. But 💧 twitter loves to spread lies for the RTs and because they think this is a political game.
I'm far from a fan of the Liberal Party. But NSW Health has handled this well so far, and the ALP partisans spreading lies need to fuck off into the ocean and then keep fucking off. And fuck off some more.
That NSW Health and associated private labs were able to process over 44K tests in 24 hours is a fucking incredible effort by them and by everyone who stepped up to get tested. The ALP partisans can't accept this so instead they just make shit up.
It's fucked and they should stop spreading lies.
NSW doesn't need to mandate masks because a) working public health system b) anyone with a clue knows that using cops in a public health problem means you now have a public health problem with selective police enforcement.
As I said before if you think cops are helpful in public health you fundamentally misunderstand public health, and cops.
Cops are never ever helpful with public health, part 485
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