Well, it's finally out! Our comprehensive analysis of #IStandWithDan, #DictatorDan and #DanLiedPeopleDied.

Some key findings (thread below):

1) #IStandWithDan amassed 2.5 times as many as tweets as the anti-Andrews hashtags

2) The top 10% of #IStandWithDan tweeters posted some 74% of *all* its tweets, compared to 72% for #DictatorDan and 62% for #DanLiedPeopleDied
3) The anti-Andrews hashtags were overwhelmingly negative in tone, whilst #IStandWithDan was mostly positive
4) The anti-Andrews hashtags had a significantly higher volume of newly created accounts - roughly double that of #IStandWithDan
5) Looking at the top 50 most active accounts for each hashtag, we find that the anti-Andrews campaigners had more inauthentic activity driving it.

*But* both sides had a worryingly high number of extremely active anonymous 'sockpuppet' accounts
6) There is very little bot 🤖 activity at all, although there is more bot-like activity for the anti-Andrews hashtags
Finally, big shoutout to my amazing co-authors - @antmandan, @snurb_dot_info, @EddyFHurc and @samuel_hames 🙏
Oh! And shoutout also to the QUT @ObservatoryTeam who brought the "big guns" with data collection and wrangling (headed up by @samuel_hames) đź‘Ź
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