Anakin Skywalker’s individualistic focus on the principle of due process clashed with Mace Windu’s systemic diagnosis of the erosion of checks and balances in the galactic republic that left the system with no path to democratic accountability in the Senate. In this essay I will-
No one asked, but I am going to unpack this thesis to show how Revenge of the Sith is a masterpiece because of its portrayal of a flawed democracy descending into full blown authoritarianism
The Jedi have sensed there is something wrong and expressed concern over the concentration of power in the office of the Chancellor, from staying in power beyond his term limits, creating the first Republic military, and claiming total emergency powers
By the time it is discovered that Palpatine is Darth Sidious, the options available to the Jedi to have sitting Chancellor removed are limited. The Galactic Senate has ceded nearly all its power to the Chancellor, making a fair trial almost impossible
Anakin understands the Jedi's maneuvering, to secretly spy on the Chancellor and to remove him from office, is morally wrong, but his analysis is solely on these individual actions, not considering Palpatine's moves to amass power far beyond what is constitutionally allowed
Clouded by his personal relationship with the Chancellor, Anakin does not recognize the erosion of checks and balances all around him. He trusts the system to act appropriately to remove harmful people from power or vindicate the innocent
Windu has paid attention to the democratic backsliding as a leading critic of Palpatine. Once he has Palpatine disarmed he sees the opportunity to "end this, once and for all." The legal recourse is gone, as Mace explains that "he has control of the senate and the courts."
What Windu misses is that while the Jedi were concerned with the Republic's formal democratic systems being eroded they do not pay attention to the ways Palpatine has manipulated the media and public opinion of the Republic's institutions
The Senate is relegated to secondary status, not viewed as a co-equal branch of government, but rather subservient to the Chancellor. Palpatine has taken action, protecting Republic worlds and building a public image of getting things done while absorbing the Senate's power
The Jedi have become the face of the Clone Wars, turning from peaceful guardians into militant generals while still being secluded from public view and accountability. The public does not trust the Jedi as they once did, and certainly not over a popular wartime Chancellor
Ousting a popular elected leader through assassination will not stand up to scrutiny. And Palpatine knows any action against him will be viewed as action against the senate itself. Once Windu strikes at Palpatine, the last nail in the coffin of galactic democracy is sealed
Palpatine immediately exposes this attempted coup and the Jedi have lost battle for public opinion before it even begins. Just like any leader who survives an assassination attempt, his approval rating skyrockets. And the public's distrust of the Jedi is seemingly proven true
The Jedi, located across the galaxy inside of Palpatine's war machine, don't stand a chance. They are executed with precision by soldiers whose creation they questioned but did not vigorously investigate. And no public sympathy is offered after attempting to kill the Chancellor
This is the moment all smart autocrats are waiting for. Palpatine doesn't hesitate. Standing before an ineffectual Senate, the popular wartime leader reorganizes the Republic into an Empire with a promise of of law and order, to appeal to a war-weary populace
In a moment of dark irony, the Jedi's actions are the last piece of ammunition that Palpatine needed to justify this final, total concentration of power into his hands. As the Senate once again bends to his will, they become a symbolic institution, devoid of any political power.
It culminates in the best line of the prequel films, from Senator Amidala of Naboo, sitting with her legislative allies who failed to build a coalition to rival the mass support of the Chancellor and assumed the good faith of their political opponents for far too long
The Jedi knew that darkness was brewing and they expressed concern over it for three films. Yet they were completely outmaneuvered by a crafty politician (with a mastery of the dark side) that understood the Republic's democratic weak points better than anyone
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