Been talking blades with some folks and was looking at my "can't do without" ones. From an every day folder, I still love the ZT 0350. It's been at my side for the better part of a decade and hasn't let me down. Would buy again without hesitation. 
From a do it all hunting knife perspective, I stand by the Buck 537 with the gut hook. From shot to cooler, it does everything over and over with very little maintenance. 
Survival and bushcraft gets to be a touchy subject. There are pros and cons to bigger knives as there are to shorter ones. The one that keeps striking the balance and gets the most use from me is the Esee 6. 
Eventually, the budget option comes up in the discussion. The one that gets beat up. The one that can still do just about everything without worrying much if it gets damaged in the process. For me that's still the Morakniv Companion. 
I get out of my element when the food prep discussions begin. It's not my forte. However, I usually fall back to cleaver of some sort when it's available. That duty has most recently fallen to the Esee Expat CL1. 
Something else I know even less about... self defense knives. Why? Cause I'd rather bring a gun to a knife fight than a knife to a gun fight. That said, I've been known to dabble with the Kabar TDI. 
After much chest puffing the really large knives come into play. I'll be honest my "large knives" don't get a lot of use. Guess I'm just not that <fill in the blank>. Regardless, I really dig the Junglas II. 
All said and done, I still think the little old Swiss Army knife has a lot to offer. In fact, every single family member has one in their camping packs and they tend to get a ton of use. Arguably, more use than any other knife I've mentioned thus far. 
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