I'm agender, in that when I google 'agender' everything that's said about it sounds right to me. I have no sense of internal gender, womanness feels like a suit I got put into.
But the concept of telling people I'm "not cis" feels so bizarre. 1/
Why would I do that? People see my woman suit and know that woman suits mean something in society, and that seems... true. It also seems totally irrelevant to me if they understand I don't 'feel' like a woman. It doesn't impact anything. Why would I bother to correct them? 2/
Like, if I used they/them pronouns that wouldn't *mean* anything. I'd still look and act like I do, and nothing else would change, and nothing about the way they viewed me would change. She/her pronouns are part of my woman suit, and like sure, whatever man. 3/
It also seems weird cause 'cis' is often used as a weapon in the gender culture wars, and sometimes people who are angry at me describe me as cis, and I often don't correct them, because it feels weird that my agenderness should be relevant *at all* to almost *anything*
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