Electric cars may help with the emissions problem, but they leave all other problems associated with cars unsolved.
We still end up with physical inactivity, chronic diseases, death and injury from crashes, air pollution, noise pollution and severance of communities - to name just a few of the many problems associated with a transport system based on private motor vehicles.
Electric cars are the transport version of 'mild' or 'low-tar' cigarettes - manufacturers try to convince us that they're less harmful, in order to keep people hooked on their products.

We need to recognise our societal addiction and treat it, not enable it.
Electrifying the vehicle fleet is an expensive, technical, 'solution' that at best ticks one box. On the other hand, shifting trips from cars to active/public transport ticks all the boxes - with huge social, economic, environmental and health benefits.

A lot of trips that we currently do by car could easily be shifted to walking or cycling. 61% of car trips in NZ are under 5km. There's some extremely low-hanging fruit right there. https://twitter.com/stateless/status/1337282309897142272?s=20
This year’s Covid alert level 4 lockdown clearly showed that, if you remove cars from local streets, lots and lots of people will walk and cycle around their neighbourhood.

And there’s plenty of other evidence that people want more active transport. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/survey-most-aucklanders-now-support-cycling/NUFWTJSKVAYIXPV2J5S3AW2MI4/
Enabling this mode shift is not rocket science - low traffic neighbourhoods, bike infrastructure, traffic calming, reallocating road space, incentives, etc.

It just requires leadership rather than pandering to the privileged minority who are intent on preserving the status quo.
So all I want for Christmas is leaders who will lead. Not just in transport but everywhere. If the current system is destructive and inequitable (which it is), don't double down on the destruction and inequity. Think outside the square, transform, decolonise.
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