Gen X’s dumbest acquiescence was listening to Boomers when they said we weren’t ready....yet. We are the last damn connection to our grandparents. The ones that lived through the Great Depression. That were in the theater in WWII. /1
The ones who cheered Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher & Pope John Paul as the stomped Communism. The same way we had obliterated fascism. Because Western culture is the best. WE KNOW a prosperous & successful middle class matters. They are our ancestors. /2
Donald Trump knew that. That is why his economic policies raised wages for the bottom 50% of wage earners for the first time in decades.

The left & idiots like @AOC say the American Dream is “rayciss”. That is such bullshit. She is a Econ Major from BU who CHOSE to be a /3
bartender. With her degree she could have gotten a job in a number of sectors. Just like I did graduating from Cornell. She chose not to. As her older cousin, I think she is stupid for that choice. My Irish relatives never begged for anything. Nor did my native or /4
French Canadian Catholic ancestors. Three of my 4 grandparents were raised by single mothers. The one that was due to divorce in the early 20th century was by far the most successful. The only legal grounds my Nana had to divorce Mr. Williamson was adultery. She booted his /5
ass. And raised their two children. My great aunt Florence went to teacher’s college. My Poppy Clayt did his bachelor’s degree. Then he was a navigator in WWII. His vision wasn’t good enough to be a pilot. But he was in Guam as somebody’s Goose when they were turned /6
around because we were about to drop THE BOMB. He came home, got his master’s on the GI Bill. He ended up as a Vice President as Marvin Windows before production was off shored under Clinton. The Watervliet NY plant closed. I have had to replace windows in 2 houses /7
I will never buy a Marvin Windows product. Because I love my grandpa. I never knew my mom’s dad. I wish I had. My mom was Daddy’s girl. He sent her to college. She was the first in her family. She became a teacher. /8
I was born and she never did that teaching until I was grown. And she had to go to the private school system. And because she never got a corrupt master’s her math scores going into the best private schools in San Jose were out of sight, /9
She gave homework & graded it. She gave extra help. Her influence was felt in hundreds of students when they went to college. I am SO proud of my heritage. SO proud to be American. I also KNOW there are SO MANY families who have come here legally to pursue the same dream /10
And I welcome them. If you believe in that dream, there is nothing you & your family cannot achieve, Nothing. If you want a handout for existing, please go elsewhere. My great grandmother preferred to speak French until the day she died. /11
But my mother learned basic French & could communicate in English. My grandmother spoke perfect English. Common language, common customs & values matter. Change America & we just look like where you came from. And that would suck. Kinda begs the question why come here? Just sayin
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