Never forget, the Dems killed the MeToo movement when it wasn’t beneficial to them, and could actually hurt them. They sacrificed an entire movement meant to empower survivors, and hold people of power accountable for sexual assault/harassment. They dropped it, for Joe Biden.
What’s even worse, is his campaign staff and communications director scrubbed their social media feed with any mention of SCOTUS Kavanaugh. We saw it happen in real time. There were even dems like Pam Keith say Biden had way more rapes to do, to catch up to Trump.
That party is the moral superior to no one, not even republicans. Don’t get me started on DACA and how Joe Biden told immigration activists to their faces to vote for Trump when challenged on his record. Kamala said she believed Tara Reid, then accepted being his VP. 🙃
Now they’re trying to sell a $600 stimulus check as something significant. Maybe use the poors as they often do for their policy failures. They’ll scapegoat us and say “we shouldn’t be buying PS5’s” as if poor people don’t even deserve a little joy.
I will never ever again, vote for or support another Democrat. Not as they exist as a party today. I don’t care who you are. That party is rotten from the core. It’s top to bottom rotten, because my state is Democrat ran, as are most large cities and states.
As James Baldwin said “I don’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.” I deal with democrats on a local and state level. Y’all run ATL, LA, Chicago, DC, NYC, Portland, Minneapolis. All of it. Y’all aren’t a lesser evil. Y’all are just a different type of evil.
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