good thread but unless #TheMandalorian actually draws a line that connects heroic luke to tlj luke then this is just the equivalent of all the backstories they gave ST characters in comics/books and never acknowledged in the films, or else it just reinforces “tlj luke is ooc”
like yeah i would love to read it like this, but wbk star wars fans are a special type and ya really gotta hammer the point in, even then a lot of folks just pretend not to see it
the way we’re still enduring “kylo is a whiny spoiled brat” takes because the films never acknowledged the fact that he was groomed since he was in leia’s womb, plagued by dark voices, come tf on
and i really truly mean that it’s a good thread, as much as i don’t want any more stories involving the skywalkers, i can see how this version can be connected to tlj luke, BUT this specific way the scene is framed also enables the worst voices in the fandom and i hate that
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