The Senate just passed its watered down redraft of police reform bill 31 to 9.

Our Republican governor threatened to veto a stronger version, and Democrats (unfortunately) mostly obliged his requests for changes. (a thread) (1/X) #mapoli
Before the final vote, conservatives (of both parties) tried to weaken the bill even further by eliminating the civilian majority on the POST Commission.

Thankfully, that failed 12 to 28. #mapoli (2/x)
Three Democrats and 1 Republican voted to water down the bill before voting for the final bill: Mike Brady, Nick Collins, Marc Pacheco, and Bruce Tarr.

One Democrat--Mike Rush--voted against this amendment but then against the final bill. #mapoli (3/x)
When the Senate passed its own bill back in July, the vote was 30 to 7 with 3 votes present.

Two present votes became yeses: Diana DiZoglio and Bruce Tarr.

Two yeses became no's: Walter Timilty and Jim Welch.

One no became a yes: Nick Collins.

#mapoli (4/x)
The House-Senate conference version earlier this month had passed 28 to 12.

The new yeses today were Diana DiZoglio, Marc Pacheco, and Bruce Tarr. #mapoli (5/x)
So how'd this bill change?

When the Legislature sent their conferenced version to the Governor (see our write-up here:, he could have chosen to sign it. And then it would be law.

But Charlie Baker -- sorry, MA -- is a right-winger. #mapoli (6/x)
Massachusetts has a deep, abiding love for tall white conservative men whose policy ambitions are as short as they are tall.

And that leaves us all worse off. Time and time again. #mapoli (7/x)
So rather than signing the bill, Baker decided to send back amendments to weaken key components of it. #mapoli (8/x)
Democrats have supermajorities in both houses (really big ones! Like, comically large! Second or third largest in the country (competing with RI)!

So they should -- in theory -- be able to override him.

Emphasis on "in theory." #mapoli (9/x)
The problem is that having a D next to your name doesn't make you progressive. And it doesn't make you not a racist.

#mapoli (10/x)
So while the Senate -- much to their credit -- passed the conference bill with a veto-proof majority of 28 to 12 (just as they passed their own bill with a veto-proof majority in July), the House did not. #mapoli (11/x)
The House's 92 to 67 vote was surprisingly narrow by House standards given the top-down leadership approach of House Democrats.

It makes you wonder whether or not House Leadership actually wanted their own bill to become law. #mapoli (12/x)
House Leadership routinely makes progressives fall in line. But when conservatives want to vote off? Suddenly, House Leadership is more accommodating of voting off.

One really does wonder.... #mapoli (13/x)
But, again, to repeat, the Senate could have overridden Baker's veto if it were the only chamber.

And if DeLeo had actually wanted strong police reform to be his final accomplishment as Speaker. #mapoli (14/x)
Instead, the Senate, wanting to pass a bill, accepted pretty much all of Baker's requests.

Many good parts of the bill remain intact, but putting training & use of force regs under police control is concerning. The police cannot be trusted to police themselves! #mapoli (15/x)
And although they didn't eliminate facial surveillance regulations entirely (as the Governor wanted), the strong facial surveillance regulations have become much weaker. #mapoli (16/x)
That the bill does as much as it does is a credit to senators like @SoniaChangDiaz and @WBrownsberger and advocates and everyday people putting pressure on the Legislature. #mapoli (17/x)
That it does not go as far as it needs to is a result of our state's love of Republican governors and the deference too many Democrats have toward "law enforcement," no matter how many laws such "law enforcement" break. #mapoli (18/x)
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