The 1876 presidential election was a mess.

"A Democratic candidate had emerged with the lead in the popular vote, but 19 electoral votes from four states were IN DISPUTE."

If you believe the 2020 disaster is *unprecedented,* let me introduce you to 1876 election. [Thread]đź”»
19 Electoral College votes were in dispute in the 1876 election & 3 states (LA, FL, SC) plus one Elector in OR.

84 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES are potentially in dispute in 2020, as 7 state legs. voted on dueling slates of Electors, pending action of U.S. Congress on January 6th.
"The U.S. Constitution provided no way of resolving the dispute, and now Congress would have to decide. As Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, and Republicans dominated in the Senate"...

This is where it gets interesting. Think McConnell has no leverage? Wrong.
"[T]he two sides compromised by creating a bipartisan electoral commission with five representatives, five senators & five Supreme Court justices"...

Imagine McConnell doing this! But 1876 is a perfect illustration of how such matters are 'solved' with smoky backroom deals'...
"[T]he commission awarded Hayes all three of the contested states in early March 1877, making him the winner by a single electoral vote."

Despite the historic voting irregularities in 2020, there is no political will in D.C. to contemplate such an action, because... Trump.
Who really loses? Trump?

Or the millions of American voters who watched as millions of untraceable mail-in ballots kept flooding into polls in swing states to improbably create the most massive 'turnout' for any presidential candidate in history?

You be the judge.
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