In case you’re wondering why so many people are triggered by Andy Mills hosting The Daily today: He led the *making* of Caliphate. That’s why he is the one actually *holding* the Peabody in this photo. The other (important) stuff (read The Cut) aside, this is blantanty not okay.
You don’t have know him or have worked with him to not be okay with this. Rukmini Callimachi was transferred and had to publicly apologize. He got to host the most listened-to podcast in the country today. (And he didn’t just make Caliphate, by the way, he was in it.)
(He was IN that Canadian hotel room, and everywhere else!) And BTW, when I say “other stuff aside” I’m not saying it doesn’t matter. But even without it, this is not okay. At all. With it, it’s even worse.
But this is, for real, what it means to be a working woman. You get less glory, lower pay, and a lot more punishment when things go wrong. Men...they get to move on. And host The Daily.
And don’t @ me with how *she* had worse judgment somehow. If he wasn’t in charge of making it, ask yourself why he was the one delivering an acceptance speech when they won that big award:
The best bit is how he thanks his boss for hiring him even though he showed up to his interview in a tank top. A TANK TOP. For an interview at *The New York Times.* That’s just a privilege cherry on top.
Okay I gotta go watch some Norwegian political thriller episodes. It’s the only way I’ll stop fuming at my screen.
Mental health and all.
Post script: Scandi Noir is very soothing even when it’s crazy dark
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