Victorian Update Dec 22

Martin Foley and Jeroen Weimar

53rd with no CT

1 positive from returned Victorian traveller acquired in NB

Close contacts limited and contact tracing underway
Young person from Moonee Valley LGA

Visited several high risk sites

Travelled home with parents

sought testing as aware of situation in Sydney

All from GS/CC etc must test and isolate
Following up with any secondary close contacts and rapid response

All to quarantine for 14 days and test on day 11

Were quarantining at home so no known exposure sites

Those who have completed HQ in Sydney after returning from OS can return from Sydney
17 people including family of 5 found from Red Zone transferred to HQ

None of 4000 who have travelled from Amber Zone have returned a positive test

15521 tests

Some stations busy near airport etc and N and E of state

Positive case in W suburbs highlights why all those who return from Sydney since Dec 11 needs to test

Do it today if not already

4000 from amber zone have tested and negative
Know the details of those who applied for amber permits-20 000 applicants Sat and Sun

Will be chased up to see if travelled into state and if they did to ensure they tests

Accounting for everyone who has returned to state from Red and Amber zone
Further 4000 applications yesterday

Will chase all to get tested

Contacted over 1000 hotels to check for those from NB and identified 36 people of interest

Dealing with 300 identified close contacts from NSW
Any Victorian who retuned Monday needs to isolate for 14 days at home

Border closed to all travellers rom GS and Central Coast

Few flights from NSW

Can come from Green Zone but asked to monitor for symptoms

Anyone from Red Zone will go into HQ as 17 have yesterday
People queuing at border at midnight were allowed through but now closed

Ask people to stay point

Both apologised for disruption but will take all measures to keep Vic safe

Will continue as long as necessary
Thanks all frontline workers putting in effort to keep Vic safe
Young person and parent drove home

Stopped at Gunnedah or Gundagai (he doesn't know)

No stops in Victoria

Now listed as exposure site

Person had family connections in NB and went to a range of exposure sites (it is a she)
Went to Avalon RSL, Bowlo, Fish and Chip shop, and others

Saw information and went to get tested

Plese test

Got home 17th late and tested on 20th
She is at home in isolation with all support on security checks

Initial interviews but a young child so working with her and her parent but no exposure sites as far as we know

She is 15 yo

Parent tested and initial result negative

Regular checks and welfare looked after
No known exposure sites but verifying through various data through increased digital capacity in this space eg phone data
Checking where they have been- a step up?

Putting every effort into keeping 53 days with no CT
Girl has no symptoms

Take this as a really significant lesson

Vaccine doesn't roll out until March and take a long time to get to all Australians

This is how highly infectious and easy to transmit this is

Why the borders is closed etc
Anyone who has been in areas and test and isolate and those who come n recent times have to stay in HQ
No exposure sites south of the Murray

It is Moonee Valley government area
On the 17 in HQ?

Entered Victoria from Hot zones when shouldn't have without exemptions so in HQ
If are any exposure sites from 15 yo will let you know but so far no reason not to believe family, solid citizens, but making sure it is verified

Test was Sunday and result yesterday and process started straight away
Only mother travelling with her?
That is advice we have
Separation of figures in report?
That is advice of CHO on how to categorise-OS and interstate acquired for complete transparency
New and creative?

Your new and creative is our open and transparent

Giving all info for Vic to stay safe

Really serious position

Many exposure sites in Sydney that have seen people come to Vic that are beyond NB
This may extend beyond NB given incubation times

But indications are hopefully positive
Looking at mandatory testing including Green Zone?

No risk assessment for GZ at this stage so testing doesn't apply
How many others in Vic who visited known exposure sites?

Issue of number we know through permit system and risk assessments from Sydney colleagues

Don't have exact number

If available will make sure you get that
This is why QR codes and info at venues is so important

Being a smart Alec and putting false or no info is so risky
Supports premiers apology on Coate report

Many Vic deeply touched by tragedy of second wave

I like many know people who died in AC

Focus to never forget and focus on high achieving and high performance health dept that pays homage to those families and that suffering
Can't bring back those who are not at Christmas table and it builds on a tough lesson Victorians will forever carry
Premier master of political deflection?

Leasing at state doing through huge trauma of global pandemic
Why not at presser?

Swearing in new minister

One thing can't accuse Premier of is not being accountable through the media

120 continuous days of fronting the media

Fronted up yesterday
Lead state through one of most traumatic years in its history in a way I am astounded and extremely proud of
Coat made damning findings?

Findings need to address range of issues around structure, accountability, and performance
When say dept broken it is made up of outstanding people who have lead every day
Not those people but structures and accountability mechanisms let them down
I was a minister in dept in MH and equally accountable as others
AMA point to many of same issues as Justice Coate and look forward to working with them to achieve goal
Private residential Ac continues to be high risk

Disappointed report didn't go as far as it could have in recommnedations

Still in position pre COVID that support of Fed govt to keep single workforce is not in place any more
A responsive measure only implemented when COVID breaks out and that is too late

ANtionally, for so long as this is with us must keep in place measure s to stop movement across private residential AC
Still have that in place in state AC

Also need fixed nursing staff to resident ratios

State still has to step in for IPC and PPE but not technically my responsibility but people in those homes are Victorians and if no one else doing it then we have to
Was not our report and thank those who did it but didn't go far enough
Case from Sydney vindication of measures put in place ?

In contact with NSW colleagues multiple times a day

Good relationship and info sharing with all states

Eternal vigilance is price of staying COVID free

Shared responsibility for all to do right thing
Vaccine roll out will also be huge effort

Particular case of this girl is example of why we have down what we have in last few days

Family did what we all do, went on holiday and met family in other set and do things can dome home

Did absolutely right thing and got tested
Need to treat this with respect and integrity

Our job to support them to isolate safely and identify contacts

Will check if it was Gundagai or Gunnedah
17 people who cami in over last day and half who arrived at airport despite being asked to not travel and others who arrived from GS who were not returning Victorians

You can not come from Sydney or Central Coast into Victorian
Airlines being very good at supporting process but some slip through the net and that is how net works

We will identify you and take you into quarantine respectfully
None of 17 are returning Victorians
Know 300 people have been exposed to exposure sites in NSW -being tested and supported

Expect number to grow as Victorians return
We have 21000 who arrived between 11 and 18/19th Dec

All sent repeated texts to encourage testing and will follow up with all those individuals until see negative test come through
Seeing literally thousands come forward who returned from GS and number will shrink in days ahead
Every person who returned from GS/CC has same risk profile as this individual so get tested today
Four household members inn house and been tested and results expected today

Need to ascertain if any are infectious (before announce any exposure sites as if no infectious no exposure sites)

Mother negative and had longest exposure period

Going through this is in orderly way
Requiring every one from HZ or RZ and all who returned under exemption permit to test and all from AZ on weekend to test

No more returning travellers from the cluster -those from RZ can't enter Victoria
If there is significant seeding beyond Sydney then will reconsider GZ. haven't yet

Note it is not if live in GS but have you been there that is required on declaration for GZ permit
If single digit cases in Sydney maybe open up?

Matter for CHO but 83 cases to date and more likely overnight and ned to understand progression of virus
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