I absolutely have more smoke for democrats than republicans and I have no issues saying that openly lol
First of all, I'm not in community with republicans, conservatives, MAGAts...anything of the sort. My far left politics ran them off years ago. All of em.

Meanwhile, democrats and liberals are far more of an actual occurrence in my day-to-day life. This is who I actually engage.
There's literally no question with me and my circle that GOP = bad. We know this already. I don't have to organize ANYONE I know around that basic idea

Yet, the way dems will flip flop on their purported "principles" depending on what's convenient for the moment is more relevant
Furthermore, I live in a blue city, in a blue state. Around these parts, the democratic primaries and local elections are way more contested than anything involving dems vs gop.
And in this blue ass city & state, I have to watch politicians pass similarly regressive policies that I watched when I lived in Texas.

Is it "as bad" as a red state? Not necessarily. But that's a RIDICULOUSLY low bar. You don't get cookies for that lol
Also, the long game of electoral politics is clearly both parties trending more and more right wing, to the point where democrats today are already looking hard to distinguish from GOP in the 80's.

Why invest in either party now when it's so obvious that's where we're heading?
Also, folks are being disingenuous af to pretend like democrats in 2020 haven't been far more effective opposition to moving the country left than republicans.

We routinely watch liberals turn on "progressive" causes the very SECOND it serves to benefit a dem politician.
From immigration, to taking any meaningful action against police, to Me Too, etc...so many movements have faced major setbacks (if not killed altogether) just this year, in pursuit of getting 46-elect into office.
And if you think all that collateral damage was worth it? That's cute for you, but over here in reality, I disagree.

My interest at this point is divesting from the democratic party so that we can even get to the point of properly opposing republicans. Dems are not doing that.
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