Seeing this everywhere today so a few things:

1) The hed is misleading. Read the article and there's no definitive "why." The writer simply posits that Netflix removed it because it might be triggering. They didn't even reach out to Netflix for comment.
2) I reached out to Netflix about it and they say they didn't alter the film at all. They're using a file they received in 2015 from Warner Bros.

3) The movie isn't even streaming on Netflix in the U.S. It's only available in Italy and Japan.
It is on HBO Max, however, and the scene in question doesn't appear to be there, either. Somebody can ask Warner Bros. if they want. I don't care THAT much.
They talk about Tod doing a "hanging himself" motion, but in the HBO Max version he runs a finger across his throat instead. Maybe the author is misremembering it?

I do agree that streamers shouldn't fuck with films, but I don't think there's much here.
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