Why do centrists (i.e. most FBPE types) follow me so often?

I mean, they’re welcome to, but they most definitely will not like what they see a single bit.

Recently one followed me just in order to harass me about my political views on each of my tweets. Charming.
*By most FBPE types, I mean not all those who # FBPE in their name/bio - some are nice & just simply pro EU.

I am also pro EU, but I accept the result of the referendum, we have to now.
Wouldn’t say I’m a EUphile though, I was just relatively for remain but I see the pros and cons of both.

The EU is very undemocratic, very neoliberal, really screwed over Greece etc. But I still think it’s probably better to be in it than out. Far from an expert on it though.
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