Anyone clinging to the idea that these “elected leaders” give a damn about you?

We must re-take this government

And “running for congress” isn’t the answer unless you are independently wealthy

The “people’s house” costs millions to enter for just 2 years

The 1% are satan
Congrss has received more phone calls & more emails since November 4th than at any other time in the history of the digital era.

And what is their response to MILLIONS of petitions for redress of LEGIT grievances?

They hand our ENEMIES billions and you get $600 and a 🖕🏼
They collapsed our businesses

They are doing a psychological screw job on our kids

They made church illegal

Killed our seniors who died alone and afraid in cold institutions

Demand masks they don’t wear unless a camera is on

And they give hundreds of billions to their
mega rich cronies and to foreign countries who would stomp us like a bug were it not for our military

They refuse to support or even lift a finger for President Trump who WON the 2020 election

And meanwhile. @Rampage95_XXIII can’t even get anyone to stand w/ him today in Salem
This is a terribly tenuous moment for our country

I wish I had the answers

The answers I can develop will all get me thrown off of this platform because the same RATS won’t do anything about censorship either

America is a CAPTURED operation

I am waiting until Jan 20th
After that date if President Trump is not lawfully sworn in as President (which by any just definition he should be) after that date all bets are off.

I repeat: these United States are a captured operation and as a Christian and a patriot I am trusting God to bring justice
But as an old school scrapper who worked his first 8 hour days with carpenters at age 12 and at a produce market at age 13; as a taxpayer since age 13 or 14 and a big taxpayer in Hollywood, I am sharpening my sword.

We cannot lose this Republic on year 247.

We. Cannot.
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