I saw science as magic today, and it was very necessary. A short Thread-.

I've been so tired. There's a lot going on that I don't share because it's boring to other people, but as someone who has issues with executive functioning it's a big deal.

Today's magic involved light. 1
I spent all day rolling & cutting gingerbread cookies. It's the only cookie my son asks for every year, and I hate them because it takes hours due to the dough having to go back into the fridge to re-firm.
I stood at the counter in pain all day. The cookies were done. And then- 2
My son started laughing and running around the living room. I looked up and there was a spot of light racing around. He was chasing it. "Get back here!" He'd almost get his hand on it and it would zoom away. He looked at me and shocked said, "No flashlight?" 3
I was trying to figure it out. I wasn't wearing a watch. No earrings. I told him no. He said, "What is it?" just as I figured out what was going on.
The sun shining into the house was reflecting off the dog's nametag, and every time she moved her head it moved. 4
My son looked at me, and I said, "Magic."
Because it was.
Everything went right at the exact correct moment to send a little bit of light careening around the house right when we were there to see it.
That's magical.
And it was most needed. He was happy. Me, too. end
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