Thinking about Hank as a big voice on the anti-android scene... former cop who lost his son, respected public figure, the activists see him as a great spokesperson and instead of falling into depression, he throws himself into anger instead and becomes a pundit/activist of sorts
Cyberlife decides to try a publicity stunt, and creates Connor as an official pro-android "spokesperson" to try to debate Hank.
Hank of course ignores him at first, but the news shows want to see them debate and he gives in.
Sparks fly, both of them argue passionately.
Hank sees that viewership is up afterwards, his message is reaching more people, so he stops ignoring Connor.
He kinda even looks forward to their debates, and he hates that. He knows the android is just programmed to defend Cyberlife, and to speak passionately.
But then one day... Connor is trying to argue against Hank's point about unemployment, and instead he just stares out, LED spinning red.
"... I'm supposed to argue that, but..."
"I don't know. I think about your points sometimes and they make more sense."
Hank gapes at him. "You agree?"
Connor looks upset. "I'm supposed to help stop things from changing because it would be bad for Cyberlife. But humans need things to change."

"He's malfunctioning." Hank hears behind him
Connor jumps as a handler approaches him. "No! Stay away."
Hank notices that some of the Cyberlife reps have pulled guns. Connor looks over at him, eyes wide and pleading, and Hank can't help himself. Even though the cameras are still rolling and he knows that if he's wrong, he's going to look crazy and unreliable in the eyes of everyone
"Get behind me." Hank says.
Connor's eyes widen, and he runs behind Hank.
"What are you doing?" a rep asks.
"I'm... I don't know." Hank admits. "I'm doing what feels right. Let us go."
"We can't do that, sir." the rep replies. "He's Cyberlife property, and he's broken."
Hank feels Connor's hand brush up under his jacket, and suddenly his gun (as a former officer, he still carries one) is in Connor's hand, the muzzle pointing at his head.
"NOBODY MOVE" Connor shouts. "I'm sorry, is this okay?" he whispers to Hank. "I can give it back if it's not"
Hank glanced sideways, heart pounding. From his angle he can see the safety's still on, and Connor looks terrified and pleading.
"... okay." Hank whispers. "We can do this."
He puts his hands up. The Cyberlife reps (security against Connor, not for him, Hank now realizes) mutter.
"Weapons down and up against the wall! I'm taking Hank to his car!" Connor announces. "Don't follow us!"
The reps look at each other, then lower their guns to the floor. They go over to face the wall, hands again it.
Connor backs Hank out of the room, and whispers "parked close?"
"No." Hank says regretfully. He'd parked towards the back of the parking lot, behind the building.
"Change of plan then." Connor says, and his LED flashes yellow.
When they get outside, Hank is surprised to see that an automated taxi has mounted the curb in order to park right -
by the exit.
Connor turns with Hank and backs into the cab, pulling Hank in after him. Just in case there are snipers on the roof above them, Hank realizes.
The taxi takes off. He sees officers scurrying out of hiding toward their umarked vehicles. They had been planning to -
- intercept them on the way to Hank's car or on the sidewalk.
Connor's smart, Hank thinks.
Connor's also not let go of Hank even though they're not going to get fired on. He's put the gun down, but his arm is still clasping Hank tightly to him. He's still, but Hank suspects -
- if he were human, he'd be breathing hard and shaking.
"We did it." Connor says disbelievingly. "I'm free."
"Well, we gotta get you somewhere safe and into hiding, but yeah, kid." Hank agrees, stroking his arm soothingly. "Good thinking."
"I'm sorry about the gun." Connor says.
"It's okay." Hank reassures him. "It's probably the only way we could have gotten you outta there."
He feels Connor lay his forehead again Hank's back, and almost shivers at the intimacy of the gesture. Was this... more than a friendship? He couldn't deny the android was -
- attractive and charming, but he didn't want to assume.
"You okay?" Hank asks.
"Yeah." Connor breathes. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you. I had hoped, but..."
"That the way you talked to me was real." Connor said. "At first you were just like -
- everybody else, but I started to feel like you... SAW me. Not just a machine. I didn't know if it was just wishful thinking."
Hank breathed. He'd been thinking he was a fool, but now he's glad he was wrong.
"Are other androids... like you?" he asked.
"I don't know, but I think so." Connor answers. "They didn't make me with any more processing power or anything special. They just took off more and more restrictions in my programming, because it was stopping me from being flexible enough in my thinking to debate well."
"Holy shit." Hank breathes. This was crazy.
He felt bad for a moment. He'd been an anti-android activist for so long, railing about the effect they had on humans, when they were basically mind-controlled slaves. The thought sickened him.
Connor had... agreed earlier?
"What did you say earlier about agreeing with me?" Hank asked. "I've been working against you."
Connor shook his head. "No? You're against Cyberlife. You want to stop free android labor from destroying the livelihoods of humans. I want that too, and to free the androids."
Hank smiled. "I wish I had that much insight before, Connor."
"I could tell you weren't a bad person." Connor said. "Once you started to feel like I had feelings, you couldn't help but be nice to me. Because some people seem to see but just don't care. Or even like to hurt us."
"Has someone been hurting you?" Hank growled.
"No." Connor said, nuzzling into his back. "My handlers don't care either way. But I've seen it."
Hank had to address Connor's koala bear clinginess before his body started to get the wrong idea. "Uh, Connor..." he said.
"I don't know how familiar you are with human... uh... behavior, but you're hugging me like more than a friend right now."
"Is that okay?" Connor asks. "I've detected arousal in you before, but if you don't want to -"
"Woah." Hank says nervously.
Connor detaches, and Hank finally turns to face him.
Connor looks nervous but hopeful.
"So you know I think you're... pretty good looking." Hank clarifies.
"Yes." Connor gives him a look that makes Hank feel like HE'S the inexperienced one here. "And I'd like to pursue that."
Well, he'd just turned his back on everything for Connor, so in for a penny, in for a pound.
He puts his hand on Connor's cheek. "I'd like that."
Connor's eyes widen, and he LAUCHES himself at Hank.
Hank laughs as he's smothered in kisses.
Connor has the cab drive them to an abandoned cabin far on the outskirts of town.

The windows are all fogged up by the time they get there.

Eventually Markus would appear, and Connor and Hank joined him. But for a few months, they enjoyed the hell out of their privacy
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