Please don't invoke the "LGBT Community" if you're attacking @SalvationArmyNZ & preventing them getting donations.
It's virtue signalling. The Sallies do VITAL work helping NZers & if you're going to try to prevent that do it in your own name.
Imagine spending your time on Twitter attacking a charity that does more than most to help NZers in need when we are in the midst of a pandemic & economic crisis.
@SalvationArmyNZ are Christians. They're entitled to their beliefs.
This really makes me furious. How entitled and performative do you have to be to prioritise Twitter call out activism over feeding hungry children & giving shelter to the homeless? Get off the internet & go do some good yourself.
Please can we accept that people are going to disagree on certain issues but we can still respect each other. I certainly like to judge people by their actions & @SalvationArmyNZ walk the walk. Twitter SJWs are all talk. Nasty, unnecessarily unkind talk.
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