
Man Utd 6 - 2 Leeds Utd — Tactics. #MUFC #MUNLEE
#MUFC buildup from the back only when possible in 2422 while #LUFC tried to press 4141. #MUFC anticipated high-intensity press, so at GKs #MUFC setup positions as to play short but DDG instead went long, forcing #LUFC to apply their press over a significantly increased area...
, and ensuring that the 1st & 2nd contacts came near the halfway line. The larger spaces that existed, the bigger the space that is freed up for AM9, MR10 and DJ21 to attack their opponents 1v1. #MUFC
United pressed in a 4231. Martial cutting off the passing angles for the CBs with diagonal runs and Bruno sitting on Phillips. The went man for man with the FBs and Wingers. #MUFC
The midfield movement was where the game ran away from Leeds & #MUFC were super dominant. It was a 3v3 in midfield. Martial, often, dropped in mid. (2nd pic) to form a 2v1 vs Phillips. Creating 4v3 & 2v1, United had superiority as Phillips, Leeds main progressor, was overwhelmed.
4v3 in midfield. Philips was man-marking Fernandes just as Fernandes was. United took advantage of that by dragging Philips after Fernandes all over the pitch and left the back 4 exposed all the time. #MUFC
Leeds live and die by the movement of their free 8s. Scott and Fred took advantage of the spaces the free 8s Klich and Rodrigo left when they pushed up. Scott and Fred intercepted a lot of the balls going to them. #MUFC
One of the Free 8s pushed up to exploit space left by #MUFC's FBs as they pressed the Ws, United were content to shift a CB to cover that Free 8 and leave a man Free in midfield - mainly Scott. 1v1. Alternatively, the can tightly man-mark them and make blindside run into the box.
Scott made a blindside and steals the march on his marker Klich as Phillips and Rodrigo were dragged wide. Midfield empty for Scott.+ Leeds Free 8 Klich and Rodrigo are slow to track back. 1st Goal. #MUFC
Often BF would push up to press the CBs & get caught OOP, Ayling and Cooper would you use that to get the ball to Philips as he is free now or launch it. Created a problem for United as the balance in midfield was lost.
However, the regular approach for #LUFC was Bamford dropping to create 3v2 in midfield with Rodrigo and Klich vs United double pivot. Flick the long ball to either wide or behind him for them to run into. Ex. wide areas below.
Ex. of Bamford causing an overload in mid. by dropping & Raphinha coming deep to receive the pinged ball & layoff. Scott & Fred were man marking their 8s but Dallas, played in Klich's place aftr HT, stole the march on Scott & was not closed down fast enough. 2nd Goal Leeds. #MUFC
Issues with the back post. Please read the notes on this.
This is what should be happening when oppositions try to create an overload on the flanks. United have to work as a team to cover all runs. Of course, you can't stop it every time but you'll decrease the probability of conceding.
Side note: #MUFC were very attacking in this game and they took a lot of risks. Just because their possession stat is low , it doesn't mean they were in a low block & defending most of the game. With Fred, Scott, AWB & DJ, United were looking to play quick and transition. (1/2)
quick. We are not yet technically profession enough the ping the ball around teams. Solskjær's United are not interested in scoring high on the possession stats. Just like Fergie, it is how quickly can I hurt the opposition on transitions. (2/2) #MUFC
End. #MUFC
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