AN Animation dive that no one asked for but it’s one of my fave films and I would like to talk about it for a moment...

Here is why hunchback of notre dame is one of the best animated films of all time: (thread)
So first, opening shots of the film. Mind you this was still when 2D animation was mostly utilized & backgrounds were HAND PAINTED, combined w/ 3D computer elements to establish depth in shots. You can’t tell me that these aren’t some of the most gorgeous scenery in animation 1/?
2. The Opening monologue setting up the story is done so cleverly, & sets the overall theme of the movie w/ ONE SINGLE line at the end of the song- “tell me who is the monster and who is the man” ultimately signaling that good & bad is more than physical feature deep 2/?
3. The first opening moments Quasimo is on screen are quintessential & the perfect set up of who Quasimodo throughout the movie is: kind, gentle and genuine. Honestly I feel quasimodo was one of the most beautifulply written & animated Disney characters 3/?
4. LOOK AT THAT COMBINATION OF 2D backgrounds & 3D elements! I believe if I remember correctly it’s actually the first disney film to combine the elements together in this manner to make the crowds and perspectives incredibly more than the other films prior to it 4/?
5. The gargoyles ultimately end up being the comedic element to the film, but Laverne is kind of a grandmotherly figure in Quasimodos life & its interesting because you see in little ways how growing up around Laverne ,Hugo & Victor shaped Quasi into the gentle being he is 5/?
6. Continuing on Laverne, you can see how the way Laverne speaks imprints on Quasi; her pattern of speech is very gentle & warm, much like Quasimodo’s. Hugo & Victor while hilarious, their speech is more boisterous & bold, while Laverne in this scene speaks very gently 6/?
7. In contrast,when Frollo enters the scene it’s apparent that his characters air W/ Quasi is much different as we saw In the opening no. Of the film. He’s condesending, harsh & ultimately manipulating of Quasi. The body language & gestures the animators use here are SPOT ON 7/?
8. Before I dive into my fave Disney song of all time, I’d like to take a sec to talk about how Frollo is the Ultimate villain. Not only is Frollo extremely prejudiced against “common folk” & Esmeralda’s people, he’s quite the emotional manipulator w/ Quasi, calling names....
(Cont.) & taunting Quasi for basic human needs & feelings like wanting to be among people. It ultimately leaves Quasimodo 2nd guessing himself through the film. (WHICH leads into my fave song of all time.) The way the animators portrayed the manipulation was bone chilling 8/?
9. NOW ONTO MY FAVE SONG OF ALL ⏱. Out there is literally 1 of the most beautiful songs & is often bipassed since it’s not in a princess film, so I’m using the next few to dissect why it’s so good. 1st. the music combo of Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz is always a gift.9/?
10. The animation of this scene is SPECTACULAR. Quasimodo mind you is a bit compact, but agile which you can see throughout this scene. Years in the bell tower has allowed him to build strength to climb & jump to spots where he feels closer to being free 10/?
11. The colors that are used throughout the scene as well are such perfect examples of using colors to set the tone. The soft, bright colors are indicative of a hopeful & pure joy he feels when thinking about being out among people, again showing how gentle Quasimodo is 11/?
12. Tbh I can’t begin to describe how perfect this song really is, when you think about it; it’s really quintessential Quasimodo. He’s not bitter or envious, he’s expressing how much he wishes to experience the life he sees others take for granted just once & hed be happy 12/?
13. I think that in particular adds to the original ? of “who is the monster and who is the man?“ since frollo looks upon it w/ disgust & contempt, while Quasimodo believes even a day of that life is so precious. Now onto one of my fave elements of the story, Esmeralda! 13/?
14. When we 1st come across Esmeralda, she’s performing in the street, dancing w/ kids! (Aw!) but a passerby makes a remark telling the kid to avoid her because of biases they pick up from listening to Frollo‘s prejudiced thinking. However, Esmeralda continues on dancing! 14/?
15. I really appreciate the fact that Esmeralda pays no attention to the remark, since often times people make such remarks to get a rise out of others. Again w/ her opening moments, she sets up what her character is thru the film: Kind, full of spark, & unapologetically her 15/?
16. Enter Phoebus, w/ his 1st moments being indicative of his character as well: comical, witty & ultimately a good person. He doesn’t have to help Esmeralda & her performing partners, but he intervenes Allowing the group evade capture, w/ a few well timed jokes! 16/?
lol I might have to split this thread into a few parts 😂
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