The thing about being poor is, sometimes a little something ain't actually better than nothing.

If I'm behind on rent and get thrown a lil something that ain't enough to cover it, rent still ain't paid. Or if it's paid, is there enough left for food? Etc.
Cause I've been in positions where my choice was rent or food for the next two weeks, and someone could have thrown me a couple hundred bucks and it'd barely solve the problem.
And if you're looking for work and your phone gets cut off, you need enough to turn that back on, while also covering rent AND making sure you stay fed..., a lil something ain't always better than nothing. Sometimes it just ain't enough to even register a difference.
I ain't finna argue whether or not they fought hard enough. MY problem is them tryna gaslight us by telling us it's "significant" and that they'd "be happy to get anything" if they were in our positions.

Quelling our rage as if it isn't extremely valid and necessary.
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