1/7 The TRECH project analyzed the potential air quality & active mobility benefits of several hypothetical #TCI policy scenarios to inform program design. In science as in life, content & context are key. Here is what you need to know.
2/7 Transportation pollution takes a heavy toll. The TRECH project estimates that air pollution from on-road vehicles led to 10,000 premature deaths in the NE and Mid-Atlantic region in 2016. Driving down transportation emissions is critical to protecting health and climate.
3/7 Prelim estimates from TRECH show that $2.7 to $11 billion in health benefits (depending on the cap) *could* accrue in 2032 *if* all 13 #TCI jurisdictions sign-on, billions in revenue is generated, 83-92% is strategically reinvested in transportation, & grid impacts are minor.
4/7 In the #TCI MOU released today, four of the 13 jurisdictions signed on. The current cap and estimated emissions reductions attributable to TCI appear to be at the low end of the range analyzed in the policy scenarios.
5/7 Aggregate benefits are only part of the story. All scenarios we studied modestly reduce inequities in air pollution exposure *but* large disparities persist for people of color. These disparities demand urgent attention, deeper emissions cuts, & policy action beyond #TCI.
6/7 The #TCI scenario w/ the largest estimated health benefits has the most ambitious GHG reduction cap & the largest share of investments dedicated to public transit & infrastructure for safe walking & biking - these investments payoff & prioritizing equity is key.
7/7 The preliminary TRECH results are subject to change w/ peer-review & asthma estimates are being updated. In 2021, TRECH plans to further analyze grid effects & collaborate w/ NGOs to define new scenarios and undertake a local case study in frontline communities around Boston.
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