I’m here to tell you that people who don’t treat others with care will not treat you with care either; they’re not complicated, they’re assholes. If everyone else in their lives is a casualty of their carelessness and cruelty, so shall you be.
It doesn’t make them mysterious or interesting. There isn’t a prize waiting for the one who solves the “puzzle” of someone’s thoughtless cruelty, hatred, anger, control issues, or damaged attachment.
I don’t care how pretty, devoted, accomplished, or compelling you are — those qualities are not what changes broken and abusive people. You are not going to inspire them to greater heights of humanity I literally fucking promise you.
Your specialness is deeply worthy and is a treasure you should guard carefully. But it is still not the key that will open a destructive heart.
I feel like there is a memo a LOT of AFAB people miss:
There are people in this world who delight in destroying people slowly, just to watch the light in their eyes dim and extinguish.

They do this because they like it and find it gratifying. They’re not going to stop for you.
Anyway I hate this Disney Amatocentric Wounded Bird narrative so much I could spit carpet tacks. Some people hurt people because they just like the way harm tastes.
Also: if what attracts you to other humans is Their Hidden Pain? You don’t need a boyfriend. You need to figure out why you also struggle with control issues: because the urge to “fix” and “heal” people without permission? Is also super problematic. Okay I’m done.
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