Today is an exceptionally difficult day for many in #LdnOnt, and across Ontario. I know so many individuals, and so many businesses have made so many sacrifices, and yet, here we are, about to enter a second Ontario-wide lockdown.
There is no real positive spin one can attempt under these circumstances. As I've said before, individuals and businesses who are not responsible for mass spread of the virus are bearing the brunt of consequences for those who are. #ldnont
That said, I have great respect, appreciation, and empathy for Premier Ford's position. It's an impossible one. We all see the numbers, both locally and provincially, and everybody can acknowledge they're going the wrong way. #ldnont
Something needed to be done, and following advice from medical and public health personnel, this is the course our Premier has decided upon. It is being applied equally across all of Ontario, regardless of region. I think that is both fair and wise. #ldnont
I am deeply concerned, however, that the same consistency is not being applied to big box retailers, especially as they compare to small and medium sized businesses. #ldnont
This is nothing against those big box stores. They are multi-national corporations, yes, but they are important local employers, and they employ Londoners. I get it. #ldnont
What I don't get is how Wal-Mart, Costco etc.. are able to sell not only groceries, but all sorts of other goods and services which, as defined by the province, are not considered "essential." #ldnont
Why, for example, can a Wal-Mart continue selling electronics, toys, shoes, and a host of other products, when local small and medium-sized businesses. which sell those items exclusively, are forced to close? #ldnont
This does not make sense to me, and I suspect it won't make sense to most Londoners. I will continue to raise this issue with our provincial government counterparts, and the Premier. #ldnont
Lastly, regardless of how frustrating this decision may be for many, and regardless of how angst ridden we may feel during this lockdown period, I would ask that we remain patient and kind to each other. #ldnont
Do not take those frustrations out on Londoners still working in jobs deemed essential. This is an extremely stressful, and difficult time for them as well. The last thing they need is someone making matters worse by getting crusty or confrontational. #ldnont
Please remember, these are not simply "frontline workers," they are fellow Londoners doing their best, under exceptionally difficult circumstances. Please, treat them with kindness. They'll feel better, and I suspect so too will you. #ldnont
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