We are not in a pandemic.

How do I know?

I have eyes and I trust what they see.

Ask yourself this question:

If the virus is so contagious and so deadly, then where are the bodies?

My understanding is that pandemics are characterized by localized mass casualty events.

You know, lots of dead bodies.


But, there haven’t been any.

(Apart from nursing homes that were criminally set up that way by some governors.)
The Black Death killed between 30-60% of Europe.

If COVID is *the plague* as it is claimed, we would be seeing all kinds of evidence with our own eyes.

There’d be no questions about the reliability of the testing. Or the case numbers. Or hospital capacity.

We would see it.
Instead of murky stats and anecdotal stories provided through government psyops and the propagandist media, we would be facing gruesome scenes every time we left the house.

Here are 9 things I would have expected to see with my own eyes during this *plague*
1. Streets littered with bodies.

People would literally be dying where they stood.

I’d be stepping over them at Walmart.

I’d find them in elevators, on park benches, in running cars.

They would be everywhere.
2. The continuous sound of coughing.

With so many infections of this respiratory disease, the air would be filled with the sounds of …

Hacking. Wheezing. Gasping.

It would be so continuous that I’d go insane from the next rasping, phlegmy sound.
3. A life expectancy of 2 weeks for front-line workers.

Being a retail clerk or trucker or nurse would be an absolute death sentence.

Where are the charity funds for the widows and families?

Wouldn’t there be a military-like draft needed to fill the jobs of these *heroes*?
4. Traffic jams around health care facilities.

I’d have to avoid driving anywhere near a hospital.

There’d be nonstop traffic reports with commute times to hospitals.

And long lines to get in for treatment.

Road rage. Fist fights.

Encampments. Lottery systems for care.
5. Ambulances and/or coroner wagons in my neighborhood all the time.

The sound of a siren would herald the news of a new death.

At all hours of the day and night.

I’d see hazmat suits moving gurneys.

Residential remediation services would be a great investment!
6. Mass graves.

I’d see open spaces quickly converted to handle the overwhelming number of bodies.

Backhoes and bulldozers working non-stop.

And barbed wire fencing to keep out animals.

It’d be a bio-hazard so great, that pyres would light up the night to destroy the virus.
7. Whole families dying at once.

The media loves a good tragedy, so these cautionary tales would be legion.

The family that ignored the warnings about a Thanksgiving gathering would be found dead.

At the table with a half-carved turkey and cold, gelatinous gravy.
8. Orphanages become a thing again.

With so many adults perishing, who will take care of the children?

Wouldn’t I see them begging on the street?

The foster care system would just collapse, so we’d need institutions.

Why am I not seeing charity drives for the COVID orphans?
9. Ghost towns.

If it is such a deadly contagion, then it would wipe out entire communities.

Why am I not seeing abandoned villages?

Apartment buildings with only 2 or 3 residents.

Desolate suburbs.

Stores without people.

Food rotting in the fields.

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