This ought to be the headline, as it ought to have been the headline for the last two months as cases steadily climbed.

Workplaces surpassed long term care homes as the drivers of new cases, and we had to listen to politicians say “please stay home!” Like... what?
It’s just that the literal math doesn’t check out. If those workplaces are one of the biggest reasons the cases are going up, they should have to behave differently. Operate at half capacity. Even less. Or, I don’t know, pay people to stay home if they’re sick.
I am sorry to be a broken record on this but I am losing my mind? The GTA went into lockdown in mid-November but those employers remained open as usual, and three weeks later not only did we hit new records, but workplaces became the top drivers of the pandemic. I mean.
It’s... help! It’s IN THE NEWS, nearly every day.
And it’s not like there was nothing to do about this!!!!!!! And so I repeat: I am... losing my mind?
The pandemic is, among other things, a labour story.
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