This is a good thread about what we need to do now. We have a vaccine, the end is in sight, Spring is coming - we just need to get through the next few months and learn the lessons of 2020.
As well as the proposals in this thread, I suggest we do the following:

1) Investigate single-dose vaccinations with the stocks we've got. If we can give more people a decent level of immunity it may make more sense to do this for now.
2) Announce a Victory over Covid Day now to give people something to look forward to as they look at the bleakest winter of their lives. I'm certain this will help with compliance.
3) Start recruiting for human challenge trials so that, if the virus does mutate again and we need new vaccines, we can test them rapidly. Pay people ten million quid to be given Covid for these and it's the most cost effective money anyone's ever spent.
6) Shut down offices. Many were going on as normal during the last "lockdown". That was crazy, and blunted the effectiveness of that lockdown with presumably little commensurate economic benefit. We can't afford that again.
7) Don't worry about borrowing. Anybody worrying about borrowing right now is worth ignoring on any question of public policy or the economy for the rest of their lives.
That's all I've got for now. We are in serious danger of repeating the catastrophe of March which left us with one of the worst death rates in the world, by not taking this seriously enough or moving until it's too late.
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