This has been the best terrible year of my life.

I feel guilty saying that. I know this was a year of suffering. But I feel insanely grateful for what's happened on a personal level.

So, this is my gratitude thread, in no order. A thank you to those that made 2020 amazing.


Thank you for giving me the encouragement to share my thoughts online. You pushed me more than once.

And thank you for bringing @public to an ever-growing audience. It's been such an amazing place to share and learn about investing.


My most frequent (and hilarious) collaborator. Thank you for always been game to jump into the mix on some random initiative, and for bringing the heat, time after time.

As you put so well here, "The Best is Yet to Come."


There was a time when I very nervous to share Twitter threads. (Now, I may have the opposite problem).

Thank you for giving me courage to tell stories this way, and for leading the way with the consistent quality of The Profile.


Thank you for being the first person I message every time an S-1 drops. You made me believe there was value in that product, and in what I was putting into the world.

I've learned an absurd amount from you.


Thank you for #FreeMario. 'Nuff said.


Thank you for always making me feel like part of the family, as I made the step into the world of solo-creating.

And for building an amazing product for community-builders, everywhere. 


The first time I heard the term "passion economy" was from your piece. You framed an industry in a way that suddenly made sense to me.

And you continue to define this movement. I can't wait to unleash some freshness together in 2021.


Thank you for being such a sympathetic reader, and an invaluable source of advice. I've learned a lot from you.

And I can't wait to watch Braid's continued evolution. 


You are one of the rare cases of someone whose stellar reputation both precedes them and somehow, still, undersells them.

Thank you for being a true empathy athlete, a deep and generous thinker, and a person of integrity. 


Thank you for introducing me to so many fascinating subjects both through conversation and your public thinking. It's encouraged me to be more strategic in building.

You are also at the vanguard of a new kind of VC that I'm grateful for.


Thank you for morning walks in Brooklyn, for reading random snippets of fiction, and for sharing truly novel ideas with the RFS community.

And, of course, for actually enjoying the odd SAT vocab word I insist on flavoring The S-1 Club with.


Thank you for being a generous collaborator, and an example of how to build a real, engaged audience.

I learn a lot from watching (and talking) with you.


I think I would have backed down if it wasn't for you. Thank you.


You've relentlessly set the bar for creating valuable conversations about investing. (And now founding).

Thank you for showing how it should be done, and for supporting those just at the start of the journey. 


Thank you for being one of the most genuinely kind people I've met this year. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your time, advice, and example. 


I remember the first time you tweeted at me, I was a bit starstruck. Thank you for building products people love, and for sharing your experience and wisdom.

I can't tell you how much I've appreciated your support.


Thank you for being both dreamer and pragmatist, and for always keeping it real. I have huge admiration for your inventiveness and sharp-eye for detail.

And, of course, *thank you* for being one of the first people to read and like my public writing.


You've given me so many good ideas over the year, from pushing my thinking on creator-audience dynamics, to refining the format of RFS.

You're also just a real, kind human. I'm glad to know you and can't wait for more fun days ahead.

@N8Elliott @edwardrooster @MarksBrainwaves @yollo @omoloyeadesinak @marvinliao @MPrinParr

Thank you for being awesome folks to jam with on Twitter. And for sharing articles or initiatives from The Generalist that you dug. I appreciate you.

@sperand_io @zack_bahm @omarsthinking @Jer_Diamond @akinhwan @nckstu

Thank you all for making the RFS group chat so much fun. New ideas, sharp perspectives, and the embodiment of "strong opinions, loosely held."

Can't wait for more riffs in 2021.

@cm_brown90 @AnnikaSays @averyklemmer @Stewbradley @brettbivens @nanduanilal @itsmeeraclark @dlwei17

Serial S-1 ballers.

Thank you for being game to jump into the nitty-gritty of a filing, and find the gold. And for being such generous thinkers to work with + learn from.

Lastly, I'm grateful for you, whoever is reading this. I'm sorry to end on so corny a note. But I feel absurdly fortunate that people online, around the world, are interested in hearing what I might have to say.

So: thank you. Thank you for reading. Here's to a great 2021.
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