By request, some Kīlauea facts:

1. Kīlauea is one of 5 volcanoes that make up the island of Hawai'i. It's the most active one, and along with the massive Mauna Loa, it makes up the biggest threat to people living on the island.
Kīlauea's last summit eruption spanned 10 years & flank eruptions have lasted 35 years. Those are super long! Because of this & the relatively oozy (low viscosity) lava, it's a great volcano for scientists to study.

Here's me conducting a kGPS survey in front of Kīlauea's summit
3. Kīlauea's name in Hawaiian means "spewing" or "much spreading." Just since 1952, it has produced 35 eruptions! The volcano was an active part of local culture long before Europeans arrived.

Here's a view down into the summit crater just after the 2008 eruption began.
4. Kīlauea's hazards include far more than just lava. The volcano produces acid gases like H2S, SO2, HF, etc. When working near the plume of volcanic smog, aka "vog," scientists have to have respirators handy.

Here's a pic of gas geochemist Jeff Sutton on Kīlauea's summit rim.
5. While Kīlauea can be deadly & its eruptions have caused injury & damage to property, it's a stunning reminder that our planet's interior is molten & moving constantly. Volcanoes have the power to create & destroy simultaneously, & we need to learn to live safely with them. 🌋
Bonus! The 1959 eruption of Kīlauea Iki Crater next to the summit produced lava fountains over 1,000 feet high. I'll leave you to pick your jaw up off the floor now. 😳🌋
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