A big thing I would change if I could: Make it so that calling a person "less intelligent" isn't an insult any more than, "This person has brown hair." That intelligence is somehow equated to moral virtue (and low intelligence = "low" values) is weird if they can't help it...
...But if I say, "We need a TV show for people of lower intelligence!" it sounds like the world's most hateful, arrogant, mean-spirited statement instead of what it is, which is the equivalent of, "We need a product that works for left-handed customers."
The reality is that everyone in media secretly knows this, that there are certain segments of your audience who can't process ideas that are too complicated or irony/jokes that are too subtle, and accounts for it in some way. But in general we just make fun of those people.
"OMG this IDIOT thought this Onion headline was real!!!" Well, yeah, they don't have your background. Their brain doesn't operate on six levels of irony sharpened by spending 18 hours a day consuming media for the last two decades. And sometimes real headlines are just as crazy.
"These MORONS honestly believe news reports claiming Biden faked like ten million votes? How could anyone believe that?!?!" Because I literally don't know a single person who can recite how all 50 states secure their votes? Because NO lay person can be expected to get it?
Because their brains are physically incapable of processing processes and numbers that complex in the exact same way that your body is incapable of lifting a car over your head. So what is our mockery supposed to accomplish? Why not think about how to reach them?
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