I’ve was threatened and kicked out of the right wing rally in Salem this morning lol. Now I’m watching a stream listening to some RW’er telling the cops to quit their jobs. This is too ironic.
The more they gather the more they’re seeing the cops dgaf. Is there preferential treatment? Absolutely. They are literal police cheerleaders. At the end of the day though, they will be unjust and abuse their power on anyone. Chuds don’t realize they’re being used.
Yo I’m gonna die 😂😂

This chud is crying to the cops:
“At what point do you pick a side?... What happens when both sides want to defund you?”
They’re asking why the cops are so heavily armed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“What? You wanna kill all of us?”
“I know a certain group you would stand with in all black. You look like tyrants! You look like antifa!”

Someone take my phone
The literal same person who told me “but antifa throws water bottles at police” just told the cops “next time we won’t be so nice”

“so you stand with government over people? You stand with politicians OVER PEOPLE?”

“you guys called swat for us? We must be pretty intimidating. Not even antifa gets swat”
Ok... they’re talking about burning the American flags now 🤣 this might be my limit without a wake and bake and I haven’t even had coffee or a cigarette yet...
“We are not your subjects! Cowards! Cowards! We fight for you! Shame on you! Tyranny! Tyranny!”

Now they’re all chanting “shame on you!”
Streamer is explaining to the audience that nothing they’re doing is warranting the police response... no shit motherfucker that’s the point. You think we’re exaggerating when we say they stop people from simply gathering at the park...
“You’re tyrants who suppress our rights!” but let’s chant “USA!” obnoxiously anyways. Makes sense.
“We are now going to claim this area as the Patriot Economist zone”

Uhh did I hear that right?
The speaker spoke on how Oregon is getting a lot of attention nationally and that makes it extra important that they DO what they preach, don’t stand down and set a good example.

1/2 this statement is true & 1/2 is dangerous. It’s crucial they are stopped from organizing
Nothing like hearing the guy who beat me with a don’t tread on me flag for journalism preach freedom of speech.
“We’re gonna join antifa and we’re gonna defund all of you!”

lol YALL...
Ok they’re removing the tarp from statues in front of the building now... I’m really curious what their goal is. Especially considering this is property lmao.
Streamer said they’re liberating the statues that antifa covered... they’re freeing the colonizers but did leftists actually tarp it? Doesn’t seem like an antifa move... tarp is removed and they cheered. I don’t think they know what they’re doing either tbh
Removing a tarp and chanting “USA” isn’t as radical as they think it is...
Brief intermission as the chuds cream themselves to the faces of the newly liberated statues that probably weren’t even liberated because I’m almost positive antifa didn’t tarp them lmao.
Cop to chuds: just doing our job. Need to make sure these areas aren’t violently taken over.

Chuds simultaneously: VIOLENT?

Now the chud is saying yeah... we got violent because they wouldn’t let us in which is our constitutional right
Ok so... imagine girls gone wild. But chuds. And a lady sitting on top of a big ass statue. Someone yells “give her a flag!” They give her a flag. She dances and waves the flag, and the crowd signs the pledge of allegiance.
@Blunt_BlocPDX I’m gonna need you very soon
This is almost worse than the Maga women dancing to michael Jackson in Q merch on chud war 3 https://twitter.com/r3volutiondaddy/status/1341101761138839553
Dj salemrad: attention, this is the-

Chuds: fuck you! USA! USA!

Nice to see some familiar tactics 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ Jesus Christ....

Literally what universe is this
I think with a Trump flag can’t confirm yet ^
I love how they are talking about and coming up with alibis to avoid arrest once the police show up and scheming about it on live streams lol.
I can’t even count how many times Oregon state police has declared an unlawful assembly from inside the building. The chuds went into the building, meanwhile last night kids in black bloc got arrested for playing soccer 🙃
Some more infighting about the burning of flags. Especially the thin blue line one. They’re also arguing about complying with orders vs standing up for their rights, an argument I’ve found common at RW rallies that have confrontations with the police. I get it, imagine being that
conflicted. It’s one thing when your opposition proves you wrong, but a whole different thing when those you “back” do it.
They’re claiming like 400 people are on their way and that they want to occupy but they claim a lot of things idk
Brief standoff with disappointing heckling. “We are patriots!”
Also it’s funny they say shit about antifa in busses when they have literal maga shuttles at most of their events.
Someone just yelled “we back the blue”

A chud replied yelling “FUCK THE BLUE!”
chud umbrella shields 😭 make it stop
There’s just small random groups scattered around talking to cops and random groups spread out that are a bit larger waving flags. It looks like it’s thinning out but there are also people who seem intent on staying. It’s only noon so I guess we’ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️
Day 1, hour 0, minute 12 of the RW capitol occupation. The chud streamers are beefing about views.
Ok it’s almost 1 and i haven’t had breakfast yet. More updates later, hopefully no more chuds join antifa while I’m gone. Dm me if you have a wig so I can maybe avoid getting maced or beat with a flag
They have requested all streams be shut off as they attempt to break into the building.

I’m not going to talk about hypocrisy, there is a word limit and the redundancy is exhausting.
The people who cry about property damage to evil corporations are kicking in the door to the building shattering the glass
I’m very curious to see the outcome of this. Everyone is in plain clothing, not a mask in sight, everyone is identifiable, building is being broken into, windows are breaking, people are illegally carrying.. and while there have been about 5 arrests the response has been minimal
And once again, this is not advocating for police engagement. When I do this it’s to either point out the hypocrisy, how inept the police are at doing their jobs, or both 🙃
Please, hear me out if you care about any of my shitty takes... yes, this thread is hysterical. But it’s funny in the *this is how I cope with my trauma* kind of way and to be completely honest, yeah... it does feel good kinda to watch them be proven wrong. But all this means is
that they wanted to assemble and protest (which is their right), and the police interfered. While their interface was minimal, it was enough to piss them off. It’s great that they are finally seeing a teeny tiny friction of what the left has been trying to show the world, but
they are acting out this way not because they care about justice, but because they didn’t get their way. They are furious that their rights were infringed upon as straight white men who support the police. A lot of this anger comes from a sense of entitlement to a certain kind
of treatment. That’s why a lot of the sentiments we’ve been hearing today are along the lines of “how dare you X after 8 months of me supporting you.”

They don’t care about Black lives. They don’t care about Indigenous lives. They don’t care about equality or freedom or justice.
Some of the same people in this group were present when I was in Olympia when someone got shot not once, but twice. Two Saturday’s in a row RW extremists shot an antifascist activist. The same people violently attacking BIPOC, trans people, queer folks, houseless people, women..
I understand when people are saying things like “we’re stronger together when we fight oppressive regimes” and I totally agree. We aren’t “together” though, and you’re talking about people who literally want us dead.
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