willow and its fraudulent way to the #1 spot - a thread, inspired by swifties thread on dynamite’s “fraudulent n1” #karma
lets start . taylor swift announced the release of her upcoming album named “evermore” on december 10th. a surprise album for her fans with ‘willow’ as the official title track of the album
2 days after the release of evermore, miss swift announced that she will be dropping the first remix of willow entitled the “dancing witch version” of willow, discounted to 69 cents on itunes, never would we have thought what was coming next
after the release of her first remix, we all thought she wouldn’t release no more remixes. but she proved all of us wrong because she then released not one or two but 7 REMIXES of her single willow which were also discounted to 0,69 cents on itunes USA
willow, willow lonely switch version, willow dancing witch version Elvira remix, dancing witch version og, 2nd version of willow lonely witch version, willow moonlit witch version. it is very disappointed from “the music industry” taylor swift to be desperate for a number #1
after the release of all those remixes, two days after she released ANOTHER set of willow versions on youtube named yule logs . And not 1 or 2 videos BUT 4 new versions. all of this IN 1 WEEK which shows the desperation for the #1 spot
she also had uploaded several videos of willow on youtube to boost the streams. in one week she had released : 15 VERSIONS of one song. artists had released 8-9 versions of one song but no other artists had released more than 10 versions/separated videos in its first week .
& the worst is yet to come. on her digital website, she first had sold the multiple versions of willow to $1.29/$0,69 but other versions at $1.49 were discounted to $1.03. & when you’d bought the MP3s for $1.03, it counted as 2 sales: original + (ie: instrumental)
when willow was released, the original price on the website was $1.29, she then discounted it to $0,99 . the more the day passed, the lower the price : from $1,29 to $0,48 in just 4 days. she also discounted her album, which was easy for her fans to mass buy the album+song
two days before the end of tracking week. she discounted the discounted version of willow to 0,39 CENTS. the lowest price ever for a song to count for the Hot 100. no other artists had discounted their DISCOUNTED version to 0,39 CENTS. this is disappointing
it was very easy for her fans to push the song to the #1 spot . buying 1 copie of the 4 versions of the song would only cost $1.92 to them. which is very ironic because swiffers were very loud when other artists would release remixes on their digital websites.
this shows that swifties are the most hypocrite stan base ever. the audacity they had to call other artists ”inorganic“ while they also mass bought willow and at a very LOW price (0,39 CENTS please☠️)
the hypocrisy of some swifties. look how the tables turned. they are shameless
these are the same people that would shade+ call other artists ”inorganic” for releasing remixes and would show off about taylor never releasing more than 2 remixes and now look at these hypocrites mass buying the song too.
swifties should never ever shade or make fun of any other stan bases streaming or buying because THEY ALSO mass buy physical copies + digital copies. The irony zzz
and I also found this. discounting an ENTIRE album for 0,99 CENTS👁👄👁 she’s been doing this for YEARS : discounting her music at a low price since 2014. how ironic that her fans never called this fraudulent behavior out but if it was other artists they would be very loud
all these versions for one album + bundles but they have the audacity to call people’s faves inorganic. These people have no shame
discounting TWO versions (deluxe og + deluxe clean) of her album so that her fans can mass buy and claim this is organic under chartdata or popbase how ironic. + 10 VERSIONS in one week of her single ME! in 2019 and NO ONE called it out.
forgot to add this but we all remembered when her fans claimed dynamite was inorganic and a fake hit for having a remixes EP well look at this
summary of this fraudulent, inorganic number 1
swifties better never talk about BTS again. Y’all called BT*S ”b0ts, inorganic artists“ & dynamite a “fraudulent hit”. But when it’s taylor it’s crickets.
dynamite in its first week : 2 remixes
willow: +10 remixes
dynamite is a hit look at her, still here months after release
LGO: 0 remixes, only released 2 vinyls and 3 versions only on youtube
ME!: 10 versions of the CD for $3, 4 vinyls + 1 MP3s with two versions that counted as 2 sales

it’s the way swifties got away with ALL this mass buying since 2014 but armys buying = inorganic 🦗🦗🦗
swifties do not bother coming up with excuses. you brough this upon yourselves. if you didn’t open your big mouths every single time dynamite or any other songs had remixes, no one would’ve come for willow’s remixes and taylor. this is YOUR faults.
end of the thread. my mentions are FILTERED so cry as much as you want i don’t care and won’t see. if swiffers dare to come for bts or any artists’ hits and say they have ”inorganic” hits, all we have to say is “0,39 cents“. willow is the most inorganic number 1 song. END
also last thing swiffers have been calling us B0TS for rightfully streaming and buying music but how ironic that NON USA Swifties use VPNs+ fake USA addresses to buy the MP3s on her website to make their sales count on the hot 100. But obviously they never called it out #FRAUD
”This chart fraud“ the tables really turned, look at their own chart account promoting this fraudulent behavior to non US Swifties
since swiffers lack braincells and cant read. thanks your bestie user @/lordsaveswift (who deactivated after getting jumped by armys) for inspiring this thread.
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