...did I seriously just read a British Asian journalist at the BBC just defend JK Rowling's anti-trans hatespeech by quoting Enoch Powell's racist screed? Yes. Yes, I did.
On JK Rowling's win of the Russell Prize.

You can say with your whole face that 'you're not endorsing the argument' but quoting the Rivers of Blood speech is not an act without political impact. It is, in the context of claiming to defend free speech, an act of violence.
And I can see @amolrajan pretending he's just 'comparing the use of plain speech' in one speech with another, to which I can say, plainly and eloquently: bullshit.
If you're not familiar Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech, 1968 Powell made a speech critical of mass Commonwealth immigration, in which he quoted a (racist) man's fear that "In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man"
He spoke of the fear that racial minorities would 'dominate'. He quoted the Aeniad: "wars, terrible wars, / and the Tiber foaming with much blood"

That's the example of free speech you want to go with? As an example of bravery akin to JK's? Seems pretty fascist of you, Beeb.
The article is full of craven, flimsy claims that the author doesn't support any particular pov, that this is just an example of impactful writing, but then I must ask: Why this speech? Why of all the speeches to quote for 'rhetorical power', did you choose 'Rivers of Blood'?
It somewhat implies - heavily, with a mallet - that the BBC endorses the opinion that the expression of anti-trans views and anti-immigrant views is brave. By using a quote from Powell to glorify free speech, you suggest his speech should be applauded.

You can say you don't 'endorse' views all you like, but by sticking them front and centre and saying coyly 'I have no responsibility for this, I may or may not agree with it, but the words are pretty neat right?' you're not actually fooling anyone.
And you know what's braver than being a bigot? Calling this shit out when there are like five South Asians of prominence in UK media, and I'm yelling at one of them. But fine. Whatever. Being racist is super brave. Merry Christmas.
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