I appreciate that for non-scientists it is very troublesome knowing who to believe amidst this crisis of misinformation. For those without a scientific background, it is highly problematic to know where to find reliable data or how to analyse it confidently. It seems to me...
... that it seems ‘easier’ (for now) to accept the government narrative. It will not get any easier. We have had 10 months of lockdowns and tier systems, and most recently ‘Christmas cancelled’ with less than 12 hours notice. Please trust me, and many other experts in the...
... field who are telling you with certainty that lockdowns cause far more collateral damage than lives saved. How can it be that the alarming reports of ‘cases rising’ is not being coupled with overcrowded hospitals and soaring death rates? Apparently the NHS is permanently...
... on the precipice of a so-called ‘collapse’ but the Nightingale hospital sits empty? Yes the NHS may be struggling but we must remember that we are in our normal flu season just with fewer staff, all thanks to a highly unreliable and widely discredited PCR test that means...
... that at any other time staff that are fit to work are being told to stay home. We seem to have entirely forgotten about non-covid health and non-covid deaths. Do the public really believe that covid (a virus with a 99.9%+ survival rate) is the only illness? Whilst we stay...
... locked at home, many sit terrified and alone whilst another illness remains untreated. Occasionally there’s talk of ‘long covid’. There’s no evidence that this occurs more often or is more severe than after ‘flu. Talking of ‘flu, the evidence is solid that for those under...
... 60y & perhaps even older, the risk from this virus is LESS than from flu.
The cure cannot be worse than the disease. The government’s ‘cure’ involves the biggest healthcare abandonment (non-covid causes) and economic destruction of our time.
This mess won’t end until...
...a sufficient number of us stand up and say “I’m not OK with this. I’m not OK looking the other way, while people are around me are losing their jobs, dying alone, unable to get medical & dental treatment. I’m not OK with kids losing their education & having a tough time at...
...home. I’m not OK with a mental health crisis. I’m not OK with my elderly relative having what might be their last Christmas alone”.
And whatever you’re not OK with, but is happening anyway, I’m probably on the same page.
I want to tell you that no one in my position can...
... fix this. If that was possible, if Govt or SAGE was ever to be interested in addressing any challenges I’ve ever raised, this would long ago have happened.

So, you’re being lied to, it’s not for your benefit. Stand up together & say “No more!!”.
You can follow @MichaelYeadon3.
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