I want to say some things, but first, please, Twitter Feminists, don't disown me, Facebook Feminists already pursued me, y'all are all I have....
So, I have this theory, that men want to be pampered, just as much as women want to be protected. That's the summary of healthy heterosexual relationships. Both parties want a partner who makes them "feel safe".
We can all agree that the more successful a woman is, the less her range of partners will be, while this is directly opposite in the case of men. The more successful a man is, the wider his range of partners.

The issue now is that we have a wrong idea of the reason behind this..
OK, maybe not "wrong", just not entirely honest. You see, women were built to always want partners who are "more" than them. Someone taller, richer, smarter, you know just have a quality they cherish, more. It's the basic cave woman instinct in ALL of us.
Personally, I don't care so much about money, or height, but I'd never be with a person I'm smarter than, and this is how a lot of women are. For some, their priority is money, some it's anything else.

PS... I like money & tall men, let's be guided please 🧐🧐🧐
Now, the rise of feminism & everything that came with it, women are no longer traditional. They want to do as much as men, so they can get as much respect as the men, totally brilliant. But the first issue is, men are still traditional, most of them at least.
You'd find up to 50 female breadwinners, before you find 1 male homemaker (especially in this part of the world). So now, women do both breadwinning & homemaking, tbh, it's a small price to pay for our emancipation... No, it's not, I'm tired in advance please😭😭😭
Now, the second problem is, women want to be Queens, not Queens. Former refers to a woman ruling her Kingdom, built her castle, nice... Latter refers to a woman who is the wife of a King, taking care of the castle he's already built, because tbh, there can be just 1 monarch...
In a Kingdom. Just 1. See, I'm all for both kinds of Queens, as long as you have your crown & your throne, baby girl, I will bow. But, you cannot be both kinds of Queens, you're kidding yourself if you think you can have your cake & eat it (I'd be we understand this idiom though)
However, men will ALWAYS be Kings. They want to build their Kingdom, protect it with their life & have a woman beside them who's helping them keep this Kingdom. It makes sense that they won't be with a woman building her own Kingdom, especially at the expense of theirs...
If there are men out there who want to nurture a Kingdom already built by a Queen, I can tell you for a fact, that there are not so many Queens out there who want that kind of man, again, the woman would most likely always go for someone "more" than her.
So, while a King has to be a male monarch, never the husband of a Queen, a Queen can be either a female monarch or the wife of a King. Why else do y'all think Queen Elizabeth's husband is Prince Philip, not King Philip? I mean, he's the husband of the Queen, why isn't he King?🤷‍♀️
It's easier to see a rich guy with a less rich woman, than it is to see a rich woman with a less rich guy. While men crave companionship (which they easily mistake for sex, because that gender do usually ment😒😒), women crave safety. They just want to feel safe...
She wants to know you've got her covered & financially is the most pronounced aspect, tbf, the wisest man who ever lived once said, "money answers all things", so of course, it's money that's the most pronounced, but make no mistakes, it's not the only thing.
By & large of this is, Dear Queens, choose the kind of Queen you want to be. You will not get the best of both worlds, life is not Hannah Montana. What's the point building a kingdom if you can't protect it & you still don't want someone to protect it?
If you want to be the female monarch, that's great. But thinking you'll get a male monarch is insanity. We're breaking down gender roles? Then OK. Be the 30+ woman who's open to being with 20+ men who are way less rich than she is. Be the one who chases after the guy.
The ruler of the Kingdom will always be the one who protects it at all costs. The one who goes out of their way to provide for the Kingdom. That's the Ruler. If you are this person, it's great. Find someone who'd nurture it. Find someone who'd help you build. Find the backstage..
Person. Although I doubt that there are a lot of men like this. Remember what I already said about breadwinners & homemakers. Are you the female monarch, or you're the wife of the King? Again, both are great, but they both have their pros & cons. Choose your demon.
You want to be a Ruler? That's fantabulous. Expecting "wife of King" benefits (which includes getting the richer guy), that's delusion. No King will bring you to his Kingdom & leave you to rule it. Do he usually ment? So what do you really want Queen?
Oh, and do not be deceived, "wife of King" is not an easy job, I can tell you that for a fact. If you know any real-life Queen, ask her. Nurturing a Kingdom is not an easy job, it's madness. Why'd you think the men almost never apply for that job role? 🧐🧐🧐
Well, it's partly because they were created, or should I say conditioned, either ways, they've been programmed to rule, and it's also because nurturing is hard work. Think of it as brain & muscle. Kings are the muscles, Queens are the brains.
I'll assume we've all seen 300. Remember how King Leonidas' wife had to sleep with that guy, to keep her husband's kingdom? Yeah, that's how much work Queen's do to, cause the Kingdom has to be kept. It's not like they seat around drinking wine & getting their feet massaged.
As long as you're a Queen, you will make sacrifices, regardless of the kind of Queen you are. You want to seat around & just be spoilt? Want a reward for doing nothing? Want someone to spend on you, when you bring no value to the table?
Some women these days don't even want to give sex, they just want to be "spoilt" for existing? Worst part is the entitlement mentality that comes with it? Leemao. Y'all are not Queens, y'all are Baby Girls, please, you're not part of my audience. I love you still though😘😘😘
Well, I've said so much, before I misyarn now, or something.
As always, I'm open to criticisms, contributions, questions, reservations.

God bless you 🥰🥰🥰
OK, I forgot to add this...

As mentioned earlier, there are 2 kinds of Queens. The female monarchs & the wives of Kings. Now, while the female monarchs rule Kingdoms, wives of Kings actually rule Kings. Without a King to rule, some women can't be Queens.
For context, think of the first "rule" as control, & the second as influence. We're supposed to control things, not people, but we can influence people.

So, you see wives of Kings, who rule the King himself, not the Kingdom, that's still a lot of work.
Ever heard "my madam will not like this" or "onye be'm sị"... Nah, women who pull that off are amazing, & deserve every accolade.

This is just to emphasize that being the wife of a King is just as powerful as being a female monarch. Both Queens are great.

Ngwanu, bye✌️✌️✌️
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