This was the year I became active on Twitter. Rather than summarize my experience this year, which has been amazing, I want to highlight what brought me here in the first place, the brilliant content put out by others. Here are some great tweets from 2020...
Learning to delegate is essential for good leadership. @david_perell had a great post in April
@adam_keesling wrote about how to choose a job and find your vocation
A thoughtful take on hiring from @humankarp
@chamath on interviewing (which also reminds me of some of @samhinkie's comments in his recent podcast with @patrick_oshag
An inside look at how commercial banker's evaluate loans by @CommercialBnker
The importance and value of having high-agency by @shreyas
A thread on having difficult conversations by @eriktorenberg
The four key drivers of having a good career by @brianportnoy
High signal sales advise shared by @BrentBeshore
A meta-thread of other great Twitter posts curated and collected by @amandaorson
Feel free to reply with your own "best of 2020" tweets and, most importantly, thanks to all of the amazing contributors who shared their experiences and knowledge this year.

Here's to an even better and more learning-rich 2021!!
You can follow @tsludwig.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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