A great conjunction on the solstice? Very epic.

Today is a reset among resets — the turning of the wheel of the year and the beginning of a new 20-year order of paradigmatic influence, which itself is the beginning of a new era of history that spans roughly two centuries.
Astrologers look to conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, also known as Great Conjunctions, to identify the bookends of distinct historical chapters.
These conjunctions, occurring every 20 years, represent the nullification of opposing forces as they blend and cancel each other out. Jupiter is expansion and Saturn is contraction, and when they combine, you get the coincidence of new things growing and old things ending.
Often, when this happens, there’s a changing of the guard politically and culturally, and this time, it’s happening on a much greater, more abstract level too. Great conjunctions go through larger cycles of occurring in signs of the same element for ~200 years (with overlap).
We are now fully in the age of air after a long industrial revolution in earth, and if the initial preview from 1981-2000 is any indication, technology will keep taking things further into the immaterial cloud.
That said, don’t expect things to magically change overnight. This is a long-game cycle, and where things go from here also depends on how we show up for this moment in time.
Mercury is also playing a role. On Saturday, it passed through the heart of the Sun at the degree of the galactic center, delivering important messages that cut to the heart of our existence. Now in Capricorn, it’ll help us nail the logistics for scaling our chosen mountain peak.
Here are some ideas + inspiration for how the Great Conjunction will land in your chart:
Aries Rising

Intentional community, coalition building, joining or forming a scene, going far (but not fast) with others
Taurus Rising

Stepping more fully into your authority, learning to lead, becoming a household name, reaching the summit of your ambitions
Gemini Rising

Giving form (and legitimacy) to some of your more “out there” beliefs and cosmologies, starting a new religion, going international, going for your PhD
Cancer Rising

Investing and being invested in, achieving rock-solid interdependency, deriving power from pooled resources, paying off a generational debt, becoming a grief mentor
Leo Rising

Becoming a unit, forming a partnership with a solid bedrock, renegotiating your contracts with others, finding freedom in relationship
Virgo Rising

Reforming your lifestyle, creating sustainable labor practices for yourself or others, prioritizing your health, establishing a self-care protocol that supports your work
Libra Rising

Performing a great work of creation and love, making babies both real and metaphorical, leaning into your capacity to show the rest of the world how to cultivate joy as a survival tactic
Scorpio Rising

Putting down roots, cultivating land, bringing yourself into right relation with your ancestry and lineage, shifting into a new gear with your parents
Sagittarius Rising

Establishing a supportive daily practice, starting an iconic blog or podcast, forming a neighborhood institution, shifting into a new gear with your siblings or extended family
Capricorn Rising

Generating wealth, leveraging your resources more effectively, taking ownership of something you will build to outlast you
Aquarius Rising

Being the change, offering up your own personal growth as a service and teaching model, finding greater freedom and authenticity in your self-expression
Pisces Rising

Snatching a true, unfuckwithable sense of solitude from the jaws of loneliness, embarking on a spiritual retreat from your usual pace of life, committing to your healing and self-discovery
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