That Elle Story reminds me of a column I read ages ago that I think about a lot: the writer posited that the reason humans develop intense, irrational, obsessive crushes isn’t to get us into relationships — it’s to get us *out of* relationships
(I should’ve put quotes around “reason,” I know that’s not how behaviors and characteristics actually work)
There isn’t much scholarship on the opiate effects of limerence but there’s enough that we can definitely say it’s a literally mind-altering intoxicant; anyone who’s been in the throes of an all-consuming crush is like duh yes obviously it is being on drugs
To be clear I don’t mean “reason” in the sense that we intentionally choose to have crushes when we want to leave the tedium of a partnership. I mean it in the sense that maybe we selected for people who are driven so insane by their crushes that they DO leave their partners
In college one of my friends would just ... tell people??? when she had a crush on them???? and I was like WHAT HOW WHY and she said “otherwise it grows and festers and ruins my life!” And I was like oh wow I literally did not realize choosing not to ruin my life was an option
Just feeling really grateful rn that none of my life-ruining crushes were um quite *that* life-ruining
No, actually, that’s the entire point of limerence as a concept: it’s defined by intrusive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, and feelings of being out of control. It tracks directly onto models of addiction and intoxication.
Everything about that woman’s story is a shitshow, but at least it’s a useful object lesson in how being fully dickmatized by the wrong dude can blow up your entire life
fascinating how clearly you can tell which ppl in my @‘s experience obsessive limerence when they have big crushes, and who just thinks this is some weird attempt to defend??? the shkreli bride???
I’m not a therapist but hoo boy I’m reading my @‘s and some of you need to hear this: if you’re partnered and you have a crush, that doesn’t definitely mean you secretly loathe & want to end your relationship!
But it almost certainly DOES mean you have some unmet needs — which may or may not be reasonable, may or may not be about your partner & partnership, may or may not just be entirely a you thing
I know lots people who’ve used crushes as fuel to get out of stale or harmful relationships, AND lots of ppl who’ve used crushes as fuel to trash healthy & beautiful relationships. Far, far more folks just get crushes and it’s fun & normal & you just don’t act on it & they pass
I love the way @JudithExtreme puts it here: “Everyone has a background noise of minor unmet needs, and minor crushes will come and go.” It’s the major ones you’ve gotta watch out for.
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