Democrats are straight up losing the PR battle right now, and they are losing enthusiasm for Georgia. The speaker of the house should be all over social media saying vote for @ossoff and @ReverendWarnock and We will get you $2000 a month for six months.
Why isn’t @JoeBiden On every Sunday morning news show saying “get me the Senate and I will give you money”. Where are the billboards, where are the Facebook ads, where are the TV advertisements saying I’m going to give you your money back so you can survive.
Why don’t we have guests on every single media outlet talking about $2000 a month. Passing $600 once doesn’t help anyone, it’s just prolongs the inevitable. Give people an actual reason to care, make it transactional. When they vote for Democrats = $ + their lives are better.
Republicans already do these transactions! “Vote for us we will get you conservative judges”.

Dems new pitch should be “vote for Dems and we will give you 2k a month for 6 months”

Then do it. Fulfill your promise and make people’s lives better, and they will keep voting for you
We have never seen the full power of the Democratic Party focus on one message. They always get sidetracked by whatever new shiny object Republicans put up. (Dr. Biden’s doctorate ect...)

Have every member of Congress only talk about $2000 a month for the next three weeks.
And see what happens. Watch the entire news media only focus on it for the next three weeks. Watch as Republicans have to defend why they only want $600. Watch as Democrats gain momentum and hold all the cards in Georgia.
This is what happens.

Strategic messaging from one side that all points at one thing (Dems didn’t do enough) and slapstick messaging on the part of Dems (vote for us cause we gave you $600)

It would be an absolute failure if they take this deal.
What is “meaningful change”? Is it money? Healthcare?

The messaging is muddled, it’s consult speak for “I don’t want to make promises but give me money”.

What they should say is “elect these men and we will give you $12,000 over 6 months.”
I don’t see anything about $2k a month.

No one knows what “relief” means. We need to make this simple, easy to understand with a clear call to action.

Vote for @ossoff and @ReverendWarnock and you will get $2k per month for 6 months.
Here it is boiled down into the two main reasons Dems haven’t buried the Republican Party despite everything that has happened the last 4 years.

“Trump bad” is not a message that will make lifelong Dems.

Vote for us and we get rid of your debt and give you money is.
The last thing the Speaker should be saying is that $600 is “substantial”. It’s not.

Just tell us the truth. It’s a shit deal, but it’s going to keep people from going homeless for the next 21 days.

And when you vote for us we will give you $2k a month for 6 months.
If flipping the Senate is an existential crisis like we all know it is, then you should be willing to do whatever it takes to win. Democrats have the ability and power to do so if they focus their message and offer a substantial reason to vote. $12,000 is impossible to turn down!
Politics is always transactional

Vote for me and I will write and pass legislation that benefits you. Typically it’s giant companies that actually do this.

Why shouldn’t the American people do the same. We elect you, you get rid of our debt and we can afford our home.
It’s time to restore faith in the Democratic Party!

By making a promise you can keep and saving people from losing their homes you will restore faith in government. You will create lifelong Dems. You will make people believe their lives have meaning and someone gives a shit.
Doing this @TeamPelosi will allow our country to move forward from the last 40 years with a bold vision that will be written about in the history books.

No one remembers leaders who don’t break the mold and do what no one else is willing to do.

This would be your legacy.
This is a good start, now throw your full weight behind it. @SpeakerPelosi

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