The most important thing to know about COVID is that the risk of death is extremely age-stratified:

0-19 years: 0.003%
20-49 years: 0.02%
50-69 years: 0.5%
70+ years: 5.4%

The risk to people under the age of 20 is >1000 times lower than the risk to those over 70
2/ This information should be disseminated everywhere, but instead we hear that everyone can die of COVID, so everyone should avoid getting it. Yes, everyone can die of COVID, but if you're young, that's like saying you could die on your way to the grocery store.
3/ Those deaths happen, but they're rare enough that we don't let it affect our decisions about carrying on with life.

This failure of messaging has led to the acceptance of policies that were explicitly not recommended pre-COVID:
4/ Those policies include closing schools, the use of masks in the general public, quarantining healthy people, and widespread business closures.

We are engaged in a massive societal experiment, and it's not going well on any front. Maybe we're doing it completely wrong...
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