It wasn't just Latinos. Asians and other immigrants of all backgrounds swung to the right this year pretty much everywhere.
In Texas, Latino shifts in large metros were about half the magnitude of those along the Rio Grande Valley, but still significant.
Possibly the only wealthy white area (in the country?) that shifted right in 2020: Beverly Hills.
Probably the biggest swing found in this sweeping precinct analysis? Vietnamese precincts in Southern California.
Time to also update your narratives about Florida, where Miami Cubans = GOP, Orlando Puerto Ricans = Dems. Puerto Ricans (who are all US citizens who can vote) also surged to the GOP.
What's striking about this: It's cliche to say that Latinos/Asians "aren't a monolith." And there are variations in this data. But strong swings to Trump were the story pretty much everywhere, even as media coverage of this trend was almost nonexistent before the election.
American politics is becoming more and more partisan and less and less textured. It's increasingly monocultural within discrete electoral biomes (white suburbia, white rural, blacks, immigrants, etc).

But elites are skewing things even more by only talking about white suburbs.
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