A final plea for this holiday. Please stay with your own household. It's hard not to see loved ones. But we'll see them soon, the vaccine has arrived, warmer weather will come, we can do this. Please don't travel, or visit indoors. 1/
You've all isolated for 14 days? But if one of you was asymptomatically positive on day 1, that person could have passed it to you on day 5 and you might not be symptomatic til day 19. Seen it. Doesn't work. 2/
You just had a negative Covid swab? But if you're on day three of your asymptomatic Covid infection, you could swab negative until you developed symptoms on day 14, and be passing it onto others in the meantime. Seen it. Doesn't work. 3/
You're going to mask inside their house the whole visit? Unless you're eating? Or drinking? Or trying to be heard over the oven fan? Or in the bathroom someone else is about to use? Or...trust me. Seen it. Doesn't work. 4/
You already did this at Thanksgiving and it was fine? You're not wrong, you likely did get away with it. That in no way means you'll get away with it this time. Community rates are far higher now. People have been shopping. It's a new roll of the dice. 5/
One final point -- Ramadan & Eid, what some consider "Christmas for Muslims", took place in April/May this year. It's a full month where you fast by day and get together for food & prayers every night. It was *all done remotely* this year and everyone managed. 6/
It was a big deal -- there were even debates on whether some prayers "counted" if done remotely as it's considered so essential to gather in groups. But for the safety of all, it was done. In the end some said it was even a more peaceful & spiritual family time than usual. 7/
We can do this. The vaccine is coming. Warmer weather and outdoor gatherings will be back. It's just one holiday. Please stay home, for everyone's sake.
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