21 Powerful Habits you need to improve for the year 2021

Either improve these habits or remain mediocre and modern slave

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1. Stop using the phone before bed

This is the best habit you can develop

Sleep well > Rest well > Next day full of energy

Focus on managing the energy first, then time

Energy management >>> Time management
2. No electronics while eating phone

Stop using your phone while eating your lunch or dinner

Eating food should feel calm to the body

not just getting anxious worrying about anything

chew your food properly
3. Drinking at least 3 litres of water every day

I know you are not drinking water as much you should

You can say that around 70% of the human body is made of water

Don't deprive them, or else you won't function well

Tip: Have a 2-litre water bottle filled up near you
4. Stop watching porn

Porn makes you low energy
Porn makes you underconfident
Porn makes you low testosterone

Only weak people live like this

Your choice
5. Declutter your space and mind

This is underrated

Clean and throw out things and people

Less clutter
Less work, calmer, more serene, more clarity

Cluttered house
Distraction, overwhelming, 'busyness', irritation

declutter your workspace and home and see the magic
6. Automate as much as possible

Take as much as less decision as possible

- Savings
- Paying bills
- Scheduling Meal
- Tweet scheduling

don't do the work which digital robots can do
7. Become more consistent

Consistency always beats Intensity

One Goal
One Habit
One schedule

Daily for the next 90 days

Don't skip any days

Want to improve writing? Write daily
Want to make money? Improve your skills daily

Tip: Put an 'X' mark on your calendar for visual
8. Pick up a new hobby

It can be anything

- Writing
- Reading
- Gardening
- Playing Chess
- Physical Sports
- Meeting new people
- Learning Digital Skills

take yourself out of the comfort zone
9. Plan your Week

Every Sunday

Write a weekly goal

- Top 3 Goals

and Reflect on it

- Top 3 achievements

you need direction to get ahead in life

Stick to it and see how far you go ahead in life
10. Meditate daily

At least for 15 Minutes

- Calm your Mind
- Calm your Body
- Calm your Soul

Learning to be in present is important

That's all we have

Be more present and less time being anxious
11. Improve your body language

The way you walk matters

Good body language

- Open arms
- Standing upright
- Strong eye contact
- Smiling with a pause

Practice and become confident

It is more about how you say it than what you say it
12. Do budgeting

budgeting is the first step to mastering the money

If you can't track your income or expense

How can you be financially independent?

Make more money than you spend

Income - Savings = Expense

Golden Rule - always save first then spend
13. Stop waiting for the perfect moment

There is never a perfect time to do things

Stop over analysing

Just Start and improve over time

Being a perfectionist is a sign of being afraid of failing

You will fail no matter what you do

Learn and improvise

Start Today
14. Stop taking validation from others

You don't need


Approval to do things

people will keep talking

No matter what you do, they will criticise something

Don't tell people what you are doing, just start

Reach your goals & tell them
15. Stop chasing the opposite sex

If you chase women more than your goals

you will get neither

If you chase goals first

You will get both women and goals

Why would anyone be with so desperate person?

Value yourself and people will value you
16. Reduce Sugar Intake

Fat is not your enemy, Sugar is

It is the most addictive drug

You are surrounded by it

- Chocolates
- Coke / Pepsi
- Packaged food
- Breakfast cereals

Makes you

- Lazy
- Drowsy

Remove it and see how it benefits your body
17. Improve your Social Skills

The world is a dangerous place and you need protection but

- You need Allies
- You need Friends
- You need Loyalty
- You need Network too

Don't isolate and make yourself an easy target

Remember No one succeeds alone
18. Improve Focus

The world is engineered to distract you

You need to protect yourself from it

Where your attention goes, money goes

Attention >>> Money and Energy

Stop using the phone in between your work

Be Productive, not busy
19. Throw out News/ Gossip

This needs no explanation

News is designed to make you depress and fill with negativity

The more you watch their channel, the more money they make via ads

- News channels make money
* Politicians get votes and Power

You get nothing

20. Remove your addiction

It may be

Going into debt

Any addiction is not good for you, stop it

or else it takes a long time to recover from it
21. Read More

Years worth of knowledge packed into one book

Why repeat the mistake of others?

Learn from others mistake than yours

Upgrade your Life and stay ahead in the game of life
If you are addicted to bad habits like

- Porn
- Sugar
- Flexing
- Fast Food
- Social Media
- Procrastination

Live Intentionally:
Take the 90 days challenge to take control of your Life

Assign yourself a personal mission/goal and work on it (Aff)
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