I think major media outlets should draw a line in the sand and pledge not to hire people pushing conspiracy theories about the election. At this point, anyone who cannot acknowledge the fact that Trump was the clear loser of the election should not have a job in media.
And I say that because I know that sometimes in the future, whether six months or six years from now, there will be places looking to hire voices to represent "the other side" of a conversation. And they'll go looking to the people spouting provably untrue lies right now.
There was no voter fraud, you moron. How are you people so unbelievably stupid? https://twitter.com/PatriotOne20/status/1341044070618161156
There's no evidence. And don't go, "BUT BUT BUT 500 AFFIDAVITS SIGNED BY A TRUMP SUPPORTER WHO TOTALLY HAS NO INCENTIVE TO LIE OR ANYTHING I'M SURE!" https://twitter.com/NoGodForMe5/status/1341044066444840960
One reason we are where we are right with Trump supporters so detached from reality comes down to the fact that places like CNN loaded their rosters with people like Kayleigh McEnany, Jeffrey Lord, Scottie Nell Hughes, Jason Miller, etc.
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