OH HELL YES. I love it when traitors are trending on the TL bc I can pull out my "RENAME ARMY POSTS" spiel. The following Army bases MUST be renamed: Benning, Bragg, Gordon, AP Hill, Hood, Lee, Polk, & Rucker. This is long. Hang on to your hats. We've got 20 tweets ahead of us.
Fort Benning – Named after Henry L. Benning, an ardent secessionist and a vocal opponent of the emancipation of slaves. He felt that support of slavery was waning in some southern states and felt that they should be rejected from the Confederacy.
A quote from a speech he gave in 1861, “By the time the North shall have attained the power, the black race will be in a large majority, and then we will have black governors, black legislatures, black juries, black everything…
war will break out everywhere like a hidden fire from the earth, and it is probable that the white race, being superior in every respect, may push the other back…We will be completely exterminated, and the land will be left in the possession of the blacks,
and then it will go back to a wilderness and become another Africa.”

Fort Bragg – Named after Braxton Bragg, rumored to have been born in prison after his mother allegedly murdered an African American freeman. He grew up wealthy in North Carolina...
and married an heiress to a sugar plantation and was a slave owner. He was a bumbling military tactician and caused many more deaths and casualties on both sides of the war than were necessary.

Fort Gordon – Named for John Brown Gordon, the son of a plantation owner...
who was recorded on the 1840 census as owning 18 slaves. Gordon himself owned 1 according to the 1860 census. Although he had no military experience, he was inexplicably considered to be one of Robert E. Lee’s favorite generals.
He was forced to surrender in humiliation to Major General Joshua Chamberlain, on behalf of General Grant, at Appomattox Court House. After the war, he vocally opposed Reconstruction and desired a white-dominated society.
Even after being outed as the head of the KKK in Georgia, the loyal Georgia voters elected him to the US Senate and, later, the Governor’s Mansion.

Fort AP Hill – Named after Ambrose Powell Hill, a barely competent general who suffered from...
an inflamed prostate and urinary incontinence due to contracting gonorrhea while on furlough as a West Point cadet. He is said to have proclaimed that he had no desire to see the collapse of the Confederacy because he believed so firmly in the cause.
Robert E. Lee was the godfather to one of his children.

Fort Hood – Named after John Bell Hood, a gormless ninny who barely graduated from West Point. He was promoted beyond his incompetence and his recklessness lost the lives of many of subordinates...
at battles like Gettysburg and Chickamauga. Hood was too busy flirting with southern belles to properly train and prepare his men for battle. By the end of the war, he’d lost both a leg and a hand, and had been relieved from command. He attempted to write a memoir...
that made excuses for his allegiance to the Confederacy, but instead, died in disgrace of yellow fever.

Fort Lee – Named for Robert Edward Lee, a traitor to his country who led the Confederate Army throughout the American Civil War.
When he inherited his father-in-law’s plantation, he refused to comply with the will which laid out a plan to free all of the slaves on the plantation. When the enslaved people rose up in revolt, he captured most of them and sent them to jail. Afterwards, he sold them...
to various slave traders and broke up many families that had previously been kept together by the Washington and Custis families. He would give whippings to any slaves that tried to escape, and was vocal in his belief of black inferiority.
After the war, he was vocal in beliefs that freed blacks lacked the intelligence to vote, and he basked in the glow of being a highly acclaimed Confederate icon. He believed that political office should only be held by whites because...
“the negroes have neither the intelligence nor the other qualifications which are necessary to make them safe depositories of political power.”

Fort Polk –Named for Leonidas Polk, Confederate General and Episcopal Bishop who is said to have owned, at highest, 400 slaves...
the most in Maury County, Tennessee. He founded the University of the South in Sewanee, TN, with secessionist beliefs to be at its cornerstone. He became a high-ranking officer due to his friendship, and shared belief in a God-given right...
to own other human beings, with Jefferson Davis. He was shot through the chest by a 3" (76mm) artillery shell by some of General Sherman’s men at Pine Mountain.

Fort Rucker -Named for Edmund Winchester Rucker, a boring man who associated with Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest,
founder of the KKK. He lost his arm, was captured as a prisoner, and suffered a massive defeat at the Battle of Nashville. He lived the rest of his postbellum life in relative obscurity in Memphis and Birmingham.
Every single day, African American Soldiers must go through the gates of institutions that are named for slaveowners and Confederate Generals, all while nobly serving their country. RENAME THESE POSTS.
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