„Året med kungafamiljen” 2020 🇸🇪



The Opening 🎥


1️⃣ Victoria & Daniel at field hospital Älvsjö (March)

„I think I share a concern with many, because it’s affects our whole country. It is serious. To enter here and to see the transformation from an exhibition hall into a hospital. Just an incredible job.“


„To build an entire 🏥 in days is absolutely outstanding. In these difficult times and the pressured situation this is a glimmer of light - when collaboration works best. They just want to care as many as possible and save as many as possible.“

- #CrownPrincessVictoria

„I am deeply concerned about hugely important companies that employ so many people and that may not survive this crisis. I am sorry for them, because this is nobody’s fault.“

„We have to make it and we will make it.“ - Prince Daniel


2️⃣ Haga Slott (Nov 25th)

„It has been a very different year. We had to change our work. In our role, we meet people. We want to put the spotlight on important people and organisations to bring them together. This wasn’t possible.“


„We had to 📞 to get a feeling what is happening in society. How is everybody effected? To hear their stories, their concerns and challenges, their way of dealing with the situation. There were extremely rewarding conversations.“


„But it was also an opportunity for us to listen and to provide some form of support, to show we think of you. I hope we have been able to show that in our conversations.“


Has it been nice to calm down for a while?

„Yes, time has been freed up. We had dinner with the kids and had nights together. Trips that had taken a lot of time have been canceled. It is invaluable time with children and family.“


„I had time for reflection. There was a different efficiency in meetings via 📞 or video. But it was hard too, because meeting people is extremely important. You get so much more from meetings, just like here. You feel the energy. But yes, time at home was also welcome.“

„But we also thought ... How do we do our job? We go out and meet people. That’s what we do. We bring people together. We weren’t able to do that, it feels like we are not doing enough. I felt a huge frustration. It has been a very strange time.“


3️⃣ #PrincessMadeleine (Florida, Nov 11th)

„Can I take my mask off?“

You are on the other side of the ocean!

„Yes, amazing what you can do with technology today.“

„We have stronger restrictions here than at home in Sweden. We were in lockdown for 5 months.“

📸 #kungahuset
„If anyone would have told me, that we will have to stay indoors for 5 months - 3 children, home schooling from 8-3pm. I do not know if I would laugh or cry. But it went surprisingly well. It has been an extremely difficult year for everyone.“


„Many have lost their jobs, became ill, have lost a beloved one. You really suffer when you see them who have it so incredibly difficult. Compared to all this, we have still a good time. Some days have been more difficult than others.“


„It was a challenge to get the 👦🏼👧🏼to sit in front of the 💻 and engage from 8-3pm. Now it’s much better. They are back in school, meeting friends with keeping their distance. They must wear a mask all the time, except at lunch or snack time. Playing just six feet apart.“

„It’s been almost a year since I was home. You miss family, friends. The 👦🏼👧🏼 ask almost every day, when we can go to Sweden. We miss it very much. I hope the situation will change soon, so we can go home and be together. We look forward to give each other a real hug.“

4️⃣ Haga Slott (May 11th)

„Oscar, what got so large leaves here?“ ... „Rhubarb“

„Ahhh, there are a lot of bees in here. I think they have died.“ (Estelle)

„No, they probably sleep in the flowers.“


„In my playhouse we have to put paper in all the holes so they will not creep in.“

„Did they do that?“

„Yes, we had to put paper in it.“

„Is this like a camper?“ (Estelle)

„Yes. They sleep in the flowers, mostly in the evening.“


„They are very interested in nature. At (pre-) school they have talked about what role 🐝 have for our world.“

„Wow, that is great.“ (O)

„It is important that they understand how everything is connected, that insects are enormously important.“


„It’s don’t just produce honey. The world partly depends on pollination. We would not survive without insects. They have to understand that everything is connected in an ecosystems. We must take care of our nature.“


„There they come and land here. And there they dance and that’s how they tell their friends where they should fly to the flowers.“

„We should open this one, it’s easier to find the Queen.“

„I want to see her.“ (Estelle)


„It was a difficult year, all ages have been affected. We must find the energy to move forward, because that will effect us in the future. There must be small moments of joy and we should take advantage of those.“


„We say them we are coming.“

„Listen, Oscar.“

„The drones are the guys and are bigger.“

„ So the girls have taken over the place.“ (Estelle 😁)

„There is the Queen of everything. She is the mother.“

„Let me out“ ( #PrincessEstelle wants to eat the honey 🍯 🤣)

5️⃣ Sofiahemmet (Oct 1st)

„DP 3. How can I help? You can’t have relatives here. But come up and we will help you.“

„I have had a long commitment to the 🏥. Queen Sophia started everything. Since then the Royal Family has been involved for many years.“


„Last was Princess Christina, who was honorary president for over 30 years before I took over. It is very interesting to be involved in the business during over the years. But I was more interested in the care part and the practical things.“


„When COVID came 🏥 had an intensiv training for persons to jump into care and help. I did that and support here. I felt like many. You want to contribute where you can. It felt natural to take the opportunity and help with different things.“


„I am in departments where need has been. Preparing food or cleaning the room for the next patient.
You get to know those you work with, doctors or nurses.
I am here two days a week to make it possible with other assignments or initiatives.“


„Was the note for me?“ (Sofia)

„Yes. Did you get the book?“


„Ok, you will get it from me.“

„I just saw the cute heart and thought was is this. How fun.“


There have been a lot of challenges this year, we all will take that with us.
The hardest part is how long will it be like this. Especially the older relatives who will become lonely.
Thankfully through technology we can see each other.


„The intensive care unit and emergency hospitals have hectic times.“

„Back to normal would be great, but what is normal after that? I don’t know. I don’t know what normal will be. We will see what happens.“


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